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Topic:To old 4 Prowler?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortI just completed the door shim project.It took this old man 45 minutes to install two tiny one piece alum shims. When your 66 years old and wear glasses it's a bit of a job to do things that should have been a 15 minute job. I finally got finished and I gained 5 and 1/4 inch more door opening,which is huge difference.THANKS Jim Sutton.

I got my new Michelin tires today and I'm ready for new rims. I've looked at dozens of types,but I still like the old school five spoke polished ,like was popular when I was in high school.

I'm a Michelin believer, I've got them on five cars and have never had a complaint. The front tires are the original size and the rears are 29.1 inches tall so they look the very same from the side view. I'm going to have to go from a 10 inch wide rear rim to a 9.5 inch rear rim. That's what Michelin recommended if I wanted the 30k mile warranty to work. These tires are original equipment on new Ferraris. Michelin Pilot Super Sports.

Now the dreaded project ,that I really didn't want to do(and said I would never do)that's pull the dash and unplug the &^$%&^$ tire sensor module and take out the seat belt and low tire light bulbs.

If I break off any tabs or have a rattle I guess this old car will be on Ebay..just kiddin

HappyKatHello Gort, you got that Mulholland rocking! You do us BLUE PROUD! Love the side panels and your only as old as you feel! Be sure to post a picture of those new tires and rims.

BTW I pulled the dash apart to install the speakers and it was a very easy job especially with the video instructions provided by Pumpkin. If I can do it without breaking anything than anyone can do it.

alrtgI have removed my dash panel without using any tools, just the palms of my two hands. I too had concerns about the task but once I did it, I wouldn't hesitate to remove it again if needed.

My guess is that it had been removed before by the original owner for painting purposes since painting it in place likely would be much more difficult.

Take your time and you will likely succeed without any issues.

Originally posted by alrtg:
I have removed my dash panel without using any tools, just the palms of my two hands. I too had concerns about the task but once I did it, I wouldn't hesitate to remove it again if needed.

My guess is that it had been removed before by the original owner for painting purposes since painting it in place likely would be much more difficult.

Take your time and you will likely succeed without any issues.

Taking it out isn't hard, but painting it in is possible, mine was, would have been easier if he waited till I found out how to remove.

Larry & Sue Mayes

JeraneWGort; You are 66? I was 71 when I purchased my 2001 Black Tie, and I am still "hot to go." Regarding tire sensors, I just put a piece of black friction tape over the light and that was 8 years ago. The door widening and the passenger seat risers were the best two things I did to my kat, so my wife says. LOL
Originally posted by JeraneW:
Gort; You are 66? I was 71 when I purchased my 2001 Black Tie, and I am still "hot to go." Regarding tire sensors, I just put a piece of black friction tape over the light and that was 8 years ago. The door widening and the passenger seat risers were the best two things I did to my kat, so my wife says. LOL

Gort; You are 66? I was 71 when I purchased my 2001 Black Tie, and I am still "hot to go." Regarding tire sensors, I just put a piece of black friction tape over the light and that was 8 years ago. The door widening and the passenger seat risers were the best two things I did to my kat, so my wife says. LOL

Friction tape would work, I guess that's easier than taking the light bulb holder apart. I guess it's just me but I've never taken a dash out without something breaking or rattling. I'm going to do it soon. I don't want to worry about the old sensors. The new tire/rim will have no sensors. Keep your eyes open for a new dash top for me if it breaks....smiles

This message has been edited by Gort on 09-14-2013 at 02:50 PM

DrillinUSo was there any cutting involed?

I watched this video, http://youtu.be/82NfBj5xm-E

Originally posted by DrillinU:
So was there any cutting involed?

I watched this video, http://youtu.be/82NfBj5xm-E

I got 5 and 1/4 inch more opening without cutting anything. I don't think I'll do the cutting part. I can live with just what I have now.I'd be interested in seeing how much more you get by cutting the hinge. Something says ...don't do it..smiles My install didn't go as easy as this guy makes it look. What he's not showing is the part where you bolt it all back together. The swing arm is stiff and it requires lining it up with the holes WHILE you line up the spacer. It can be done pretty easy,but it's not quite that easy.Just my opinion.

This message has been edited by Gort on 09-14-2013 at 03:32 PM

DrillinUThat was main reason I never wanted to do this because of the cutting.
Other reason was I want to keep myself slim so I can get in the Prowler, if I widen it up. I'll eat everything insight
Originally posted by Gort:
I got 5 and 1/4 inch more opening without cutting anything. I don't think I'll do the cutting part. I can live with just what I have now.I'd be interested in seeing how much more you get by cutting the hinge. Something says ...don't do it..smiles My install didn't go as easy as this guy makes it look. What he's not showing is the part where you bolt it all back together. The swing arm is stiff and it requires lining it up with the holes WHILE you line up the spacer. It can be done pretty easy,but it's not quite that easy.Just my opinion.

JeraneWThat video of the installation was done by Rick on my Black Tie at the Smokey Event. A job very well done. I know there are other short cuts, but this made me happy. Another video he did on my Kat was the Seat Riser Video. P.S. Your cat looks great with the new side panels.
ed monahanWe have been to almost 40 events and I still haven't checked out the door opening mod, in person. I need to do that, for sure. Sandy is getting old and fat. lol
GortIf you need the spacers Jim Sutton has them. I recommend them, well worth the effort.I don't know about cutting the door hinge. I'd guess that 3/16ths is a critical measurement.

This message has been edited by Gort on 09-14-2013 at 09:21 PM

katmatCome to New Castle for the N.H.N's & we'll do it for you in the parking lot.
Originally posted by Gort:
I got 5 and 1/4 inch more opening without cutting anything. I don't think I'll do the cutting part. I can live with just what I have now.I'd be interested in seeing how much more you get by cutting the hinge. Something says ...don't do it..smiles My install didn't go as easy as this guy makes it look. What he's not showing is the part where you bolt it all back together. The swing arm is stiff and it requires lining it up with the holes WHILE you line up the spacer. It can be done pretty easy,but it's not quite that easy.Just my opinion.

The trick is to never take both bolts out at the same time.

ed monahanWe can't make it again this year. Sandy has to work since they laid off one nurse and the other one is starting vacation this week. She has to pass meds morning, noon and night, actually.
1932highboyI modded my doors with washers and never heard of cutting the door stops. So I tried that today and picked up a easy 4 inches more opening. Both mods are needed for maximum opening.

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