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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Time Flies
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahan

That is a picture of my two older granddaughters. I tripped on to this picture while looking for something else.
They are now entering the 8th and 10th grades. It is hard to believe it has been that long.

I also found some other photos I had long forgotten about.

From the left standing:
Larry "Wildcat" Mayes, Rickster, Sue Mayes, GPS John Schultz, Jerry & Marcia Scholten, Dave and Brenda Mills,
Mike Gatlin, Sandy, me, Laddie, Ron Clark, Steve Clark,
standing behind Laddie
Jesse (Clark), Sue Clark, Karen Roussell, Suzie & Tom Mills.
I think that is correct, let me know if there is a mistake. Some of the faces are hard to see.

Laddie exiting the tight squeeze on the windy road near Custer State Park and Mt. Rushmore, I can't think of the name of it.

A hobo smokes behind Phil Genet, a great Prowler owner who has passed away.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 08-14-2011 at 08:39 PM

SuperDaveThat is either Needles Highway or Iron Mountain Road, they both run near Mt. Rushmore.

The only thing better than driving through the beautiful Black Hills is driving through them in a Prowler!

And yes, times does fly when you are having fun!


MIKE GATLINThanks for posting that Ed...great memories. The Catavan out to Deadwood, Spearfish Canyon, playing ball with you, Laddie and Jesse on the Field of Dreams and the endless line of Prowlers snaking through the Black Hills on the twilite cruise from Crazy Horse Memorial back to Deadwood....
Mr.McgooNice pictures just did the same thing with my son from one of the first events he went to and now he's in his 2nd year of college... Just came back from Sturgis were I was for the motorcycle rally, Some Beautiful country with awesome roads for either the prowler or bike.

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