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Topic:This weeks poll: Why did you get stopped?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tomdenise1Just wondering what the reasons were.

I was stopped for 58 in a 40. My first ticket in my 13 years of driving after having the Prowler for only 4 months.

Luckily, I only got a speeding ticket and not wreckless driving to boot. I had the original runflats on there at the time and they were wearing kinda thin. I gunned it from a light, turning left and fishtailed through the intersection. 2 wheeled officer was sitting in a businesses parking lot just ahead. The squealing tires is probably what got the radar pointed in my direction in the first place, since he was on the opposite side of the road.

Anyway, curious to hear other stories.



1999 Black w/NeoBlue Streetglow Gold Series
2001 PT Cruiser - Heavily modified
1997 Jeep Cherokee Sport - Hauler for the twins - Tom V and Ainsley - born 3-17-03!

Steve TPulled over on the interstate by a Texas Highway patrol officer, issued a warning for no front plate and spent 15 minutes answering his questions and showing him the Prowler.

Steve and Debbie Thomas
2002 Candy Red Prowler
2001 Orange Prowler
2001 Silver Prowler
2003 SRT-10 Viper Red
2004 Titanium Gray RX-8
2003 911 Porsche Twin Turbo
2002 Yellow ZO6 Vette
2002 35th Anniversary Camaro SS Convertible
2002 H1 Hummer
1970 Black Chevy SWB Pick up
1969 Garnet Red Camaro SS 350
1967 Hugger Orange Camaro 400
1955 Yellow Chevrolet Truck

ALLEY CATI was pulled over on I-70 in Kansas,,,,cat was just hours old,,,,driving it back from Nebraska to Phx. Was going 58 in a 70 (break-in driving the new motor). I had just left a Kansas rest area about five miles back, when I see the reds and blues coming! Thought he was on a emergency run,,,NO, it was me he wanted! Seems he seen me at the rest area, thought I had Indiana plates instead of Nebraska plates and called in the numbers for a check. Report came back expired Indiana plate number,,,,so he came after me. He wasted 20 minutes of my time and made me remove a license plate frame cover so he could better read which state the plates were registered in. He was a total AH.


26,000 miles of smiles

Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....


Marty UsherHeadlight out at 1 AM. Cop was looking for DUI suspects.
NVRMNDNo front plate, following to close in Houston rush hour traffic (BS) both dismissed. No front plate, speeding 47 in a 30, from a dead stop to approximately 20 feet from the intersection (worlds fastest prowler?) Dismissed, officer declined to lie in front of a jury.
WPG3 1/2 years and haven't been pulled over. I have had a couple instances in which the officer was blatantly clocking me with his radar gun and made sure I knew, but never got pulled over.

Bill Gallagher
Magic Touch Designs Inc
1999 Red


MTD Prowler Intake System 2.2
MTD Bypass Kit
MTD Suspension Frame Braces
Other Modifications

TFischerRunning on 75 south bound going to work through Plano in the kat. Was behind a lady putting on her makeup in traffic - her speed varied from 40 to 65. Waited for her to pull into right lane for about 3 miles and finally got fed up. Had about 10 car lengths open in the right lane so gunned it and went around. Apparently I must have gunned it a little too much because when I looked down at the speedometer I was up to 82 and in my rearview mirror I saw a black unmarked interceptor flying through traffic behind me. I decided not to hit the brakes when I saw him since I knew he already had me with radar and just let it coast on back down to the limit. He stayed about 6 feet off of my back bumper for about another mile then pulled along side of me on the left. I waved at him, he shook his head then gave me a thumbs up and sped off. No ticket or warning, but needless to say, I watched my speed very carefully the rest of the drive in to work. Tami
tangled up in BLUEI live in a secluded heavily wooded area....my house is on a corner lot with a stop sign, the sign is mounted in my yard....the day before Christmas I was finishing up a last minute detail and had left the Kat parked at the curb....hopped in the car and just rolled around the corner at a blazing 3-5 mph....just so happened an unmarked state cop was crusing my neighborhood and he did a BAT-TURN to catch me at the next street....so he waits and stops me down the highway in the middle of six lanes of traffic where I was turning.....after we talked a few minutes. I said "hey kid, you can sit out here in the middle of all this traffic and get killed, but I am moving over to the parking lot".....he wrote me a ticket, then felt bad about the entire situation and then told me how to get the ticket removed from my record.....it was the first ticket I had received since July 3 1969....
BKGFirst week i got my Prowler,was driving down the NJ turnpike going to show off to my Brother , when a Trooper pulled up next me and signaled for me to pull over.I had a temp out of state plate on the car and i thought that was why he stopped me, but he only wanted to look at the car up close said hwe was a real fan of the Prowler and had only seen pictures in magazines and was excited to see on in real life. Scared the hell out of me!
ed monahanI got stopped one night on a residential street that is full of rolling hills. He caught me going down a hill. I think it was 47 in a 35 or something similar. He didn't give me a ticket since he he had an appointment at my office the following Saturday looking for a new job at a bigger and better P.D. He looked at my license and said, "your name looks very familiar". lol.
I don't know if he ever got the job. I don't follow up on that stuff.
jmcant1What is it that you do Ed?


WildCatOnly been stopped once and no ticket.....here is what happened on that summer day in `99

We were on 465 going to a cruise in on a Saturday afternoon. They were working on the road and had a crossover in effect and both directions were on the same side with a concrete barrier on both sides and in the middle so each direction had 2 lanes, NO SHOULDER. Traffic was backed up for over a mile and just crawling in the direction that I was going. Once we got up to the problem, it was a Sunbeam Tiger that I had seen at the cruise in's, for a few years, but had never talked to the owner. His car was blocking the right lane leaving only one travel lane. We stopped to see if I could help. He thought his fuel pump was the problem. I ask him if he had a chain or rope to pull him off the interstate. He didn't but there was a crew working withing a few hundred feet of where we were, so I ask "have you got a chain I can use". They let me use a 3/8" log chain that was at least 30' long. I wrapped it around the ball on the hitch of my car and to the front of his car and proceded to pull him off the interstate. We had seen a State cruiser going the other direction with lights and siren on,(and he had about 8 miles to go to get turned around and back to us) About the time we got to the bottom of the exit he pulled up behind us with his lights still on. I seen him but had no place to stop so I continued up the ramp. Once at the top there was room for me to pull over and still let the cars around us and at that time he turned the siren on. I stopped and he came up to my car asking "What are you doing". I told him I was helping get the car off the interstate so he wouldn't get hit. The officer wanted to know if I knew this guy, and I told him "NO". The whole time he is looking over both cars, and asking "Why would you do this for someone you don't know". (for those that do not know, A TIGER is a small english built car that Chrysler had some ties to in the `60's, BUT they installed a small block ford motor in them) After a few minutes he let us go. I think he really just wanted to look at the cars, and couldn't believe that I did this with my custom painted really RARE car.

I proceded to pull this car into the gas station just off the interstate. After talking to him for a while come to find out we both work at the same place (FORD) Since then I talk to Ed all the time and on one other occasion he was at the cruise in and had no headlights. It was a nice night and he only lived about 8 miles from me, so I followed him home to have my lights shine around him so he could see to drive home.

Larry & Sue Mayes

PROWLER-KEITHSPEEDING going as fast as the speedo said 250klm's or faster
policeman very angry.


KAT 2KNo front plate in OHIO...$75.00
ScottyGot pulled over so they could look at the Prowler ... Oh by the way I was the Police Commissioner at the time.
akadvs1Got pulled over for the under kit neon lights. Oh yeah, he also claimed I was doing 40 in a 25 mph zone but let me go since the Woodward cruise is in a couple of weeks.

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