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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:This really happened today
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanI was knocking on a door in Hamilton for a repo. No answer. I called the house phone, it was disconnected. (There was a diff. car in the driveway so I figured someone was home). I then called a cell phone number and a woman answered. I asked if she was Mrs. xxxxx. She said yes so I asked her why she did not answer the door when I knocked. and her reply.

I am not HERE. That was a first.

MDProwlerNot to get off the subject but how can a reply to a post be earlier than the original post?

ed monahanYou had to see that one coming!!! He is a seer, soothsayer, a sage? I dunno.
ALLEY CATThe website was having some problems last night,,,late.

Must have went into backup mode,,,,,to save the posts

You'll have to ask Mike or Catdude how that works..

meandmykittytime zone, ghost's?
tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I was knocking on a door in Hamilton for a repo. No answer. I called the house phone, it was disconnected. (There was a diff. car in the driveway so I figured someone was home). I then called a cell phone number and a woman answered. I asked if she was Mrs. xxxxx. She said yes so I asked her why she did not answer the door when I knocked. and her reply.

I am not HERE. That was a first.

was it one of my employees

ed monahanI then asked her if I could get in touch with the husband. She said "no, he is on the road" so I went to the suspected place of employment and he was there, it was very close to the Indiana line, as a matter of fact. He was driving a diff. pick up. He says it broke down in Corbin, KY and he left it in a truck stop. Very doubtful.

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