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Topic:This is why I don't drive Prowlers in the winter...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJSalt, salt and more salt! Ugh!

Steve TCome on CJ! It's a Jeep it can take it!

We have had a couple of ice storms this year and down here they "sand " the hills and bridges. Of course they don't come back and sweep it up, so you get to have the front of your car sand blasted for a few weeks.

CJSteve..........the Jeep I'm not worried about....the topic was why I don't drive Prowlers during the winter!!
rraitewow cj that brings back memories of my home town in new york, thats one thing i don't miss! i agree i would not take the kat out in that mess!
1buddycHmmm CJ- That's something we put on the Fajitas and Margaritas here in Texas.... Not on our roads. lol
HowardI know you mean about salt on the road. It is 75 degrees here today and I spotted some salt on the road. I had to bring the Prowler in.

Being from Philadelphia, I know what that salt can do to a car.

CJFunny Howard!! I don't understand why they dump so much salt on the roads here. We have had but a few inches of snow. It's just awful and then they wonder why our roads are so bad. Then we have to wait for some really good Spring rains to clean the roads before I get my cats out!
jkburnsCJ, I'm with you on this one.

I took Jo Ann's dark grey Commander in to get "re-painted" at the car wash the other day (by hand, not machine) and by golly, if it didn"t turn out white!!!

There's so much sand, salt and goop on the roads these days. I can't wait for spring!


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