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Topic:This info will save you a lot of trouble and money....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ViperDougThe rear lower ball joints are the same as the front in all dimensions except for depth of the housing, as the rear control arm pocket for the ball joint is exactly 1/8" deeper than the front. A fabricated 1/8" shim and the same kit from Chrysler as the front ball joint recall and viola. The rears will fail eventually as they are the same construction as the front. It is just that the rears do not turn to force the grease out through the bottom, therefore they will take longer to fail.

I just got my kit from Performance Dodge and installed in 1 hour. Drives great!!!!

BeWareThanks for the info. Did you have to fabricate the shim yourself?
toysExcellent Info & good to know.

Would you have the OEM #
thanks for the update.


ViperDougYes, I just cut a 1/8" aluminum shim a bit smaller than the diameter of the ball joint housing and pressed in the ball joint in until it bottomed out.

$38 for the kit (includes one pair of ball joints), $28 with shop discount.

and considering that the control arm assemblies are $749 ($529) each.......

BradleyGDoug, Being First isn't always as good as it is cracked up to be. LOL!!

Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us. And Again, Welcome to the POA.

catfishi guess i had a good idea in my first post,glad the frt.joint was the same diameter.in the future mech.posts belong in mech.thanks.part# is-cbbtc030-joint kit frt.


This message has been edited by catfish on 03-10-2008 at 08:09 PM

dbudnerGood deal and you get all the credit for figuring this one out (I have an idea that someone here invented the internet instead of Al Gore).
DrewGreat info that "in general" everyone would want to know, gettin' anal there, Catfish.
catfishdrew,darn right i,m getting anal.nobody wants to rock the boat on this guy,i will.in this guys original post,he's not happy w/the response received.he had the answer in the very first post,mine.i didn't see any thank yous did you.all he did was complain.he needs to go back to the viper sight where he belongs.


ViperDougI apologize Catfish, I am so sorry. I must have misunderstood. I did not know that you knew it would fit.


catfishi don't need credit for it.it's your attitude problem we don't like,and i'm not the only one.


DrewWell if I'd a known you already knew.......being aware's the first step, that and a deep breath.
Kevin ADoug, thanks for the info. Maybe it had been posted before, but it seems to be new info for many here. I hope you stick around and post more. Thanks and sorry your first posting here got a rocky start, generally this help is well received and appreciated.
Dale BeamanI second Kevin A.

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