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T O P I C     R E V I E W
fd911medic Hello-I thought these multi color decals and valve stems would look cool on my Woodward. This is the kind of project you do when it's rainning in California. If anyone wants any of these decals, please let me know.

fd911medicOpps...here the other picture of the valve stem
fd911medicLast try

CWatsonJrHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - those look nice

Cliff Watson See My Prowler Page
2K1 Mulholland, Colorshift Flames, Mud Flaps, TGF Side Panels, TGF Bumper Covers, Eric Wolf Chrome Tranny Cooler, Blueberry Shimmers, Front Ceramic Pads, Homemade Top Brace, SSS Muffler, Weekender.
2001 Dakota SLT+ CC (Patriot Blue)
1998 Durango SLT+ (Intense Blue)
X - 1998 Honda Accord
X - 1991 Dodge Spirit
X - 1965 Ford Mustang (289)
X - 1994 Dodge Daytona Turbo
X - 1971 Ford Pinto (The Rust Bucket)

Tom SantellaThose look really nice. I just put a set of all black Prowler valve caps on last week. However that combination adds just the right amount of color. Let me know how to get a set. Thanks. Tom
apollo232Wow! Those are sharp! Where can I get a set?
RICH GRABLEI just read about the valve stem, caps, where do you get them???? They are very COOL
Gary CLogo Nuts and Logo Caps / 3R Mfg.
317 Ginger Court
San Ramon, California 94583
TEL 800-762-2862
FAX 925-648-9087
Guy Jakub www.logonuts.com/
Gary CSorry the Link is dead.......
Dave MillsSite name has changed to: http://www.logocapsinc.com/
Gary Cthanks Dave, I just found these, antitheft,,,,, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3211160254
pocotooI just received the valve stem covers for my orange kat. The color is no where near Prowler Orange. It is what you would expect a true orange to be. I kinda wish I had ordered black.
FL PhilIf you got them from Logocaps all you have to do is send them a paint sample from the touch-up paint and they will match that.

I had to do that for the Purple and Blue Prowlers.

Let me know if you have a problem.

KLKschwarzThe Orange cat is the most difficult color to match anything to. You will notice that the color changes with only minor changes in the light source. You will also find it is difficult to photograph. Some times is looks almost red, sometimes light orange. Good luck on matching. I went and bought a can of the mopar touch up paint in a spray can just for these types of things. Also quart for those more intense projects.

P.S. I just decided to live with the logocaps color. Its not real close, but hey they are cool anyway.


Sorry about the low res. pic, but I think they really do dress up the wheels nicely at a low cost.

fd911medicHello-If anyone is interested in the decals, you can get them by contacting www.DAR2BDECALS@attbi.com
You can order any any color and size. The service and products are excellent.

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