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Topic:They work? Who knew?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeMissouri Withheld Data Showing Effectiveness of Mask Mandates
cstallBFD... cherry-picked data.
There are a lot of reasons the instance rate and death rate might be higher in certain areas, most notably, the average age of the population.
But hey - if a mask mandate makes YOU feel safer, terrific!
Just know that even if there's no mask mandate, you can still wear one... or more...

Landscape Doctor
Landscape Doctor

Tom at the airport!!!!

cstallReechee probably won't see this - he's busy building a shrine to doc Fauci in his living room...
Landscape DoctorWhat a joke!!!

ALLEY CATAOC and the other squad members are tribal bunch of skanks..
Landscape DoctorCould not have said that better any other way AC. Who in there right mind would vote for them???? Crazy world we live in.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
AOC and the other squad members are tribal bunch of skanks..

Landscape DoctorHi Gary!!!

Originally posted by garysss:

garysssHi Dave! Happy New Year!

Did you get your garage done!

Landscape DoctorYes Gary,, finaly finished in November.

It was quite a battle with the installation co. They finaly installed the building end of August.

I almost fired them when they showed up in June with the wrong materials,, but after getting other quotes,,, they were over 10k because of the price increases from January when I put the deposit down,, so I decided just to stick it out. Unfortunatly we are in Let's Go Brandon world now.

So from August to November I worked on fixing issues I was not happy with and installed the utilities.

Tried posting some pics but they are too large,, when I get a chance I will resize them and post up.

Originally posted by garysss:
Hi Dave! Happy New Year!

Did you get your garage done!

garysssGlad you got it done, sorry such a hazzle. I know what you mean about Brandon world, we have been looking to possibly move for last few years and haven't found the right place. Now housing prices are crazy and wanted to build a big garage if wasn't with new house, but material prices dang near doubled. So we are still looking, but it would have to be exactly what we want to at these prices.
Landscape DoctorI thought you was good where your at. Whats the main reason for moving?

I could not even imagine moving,,, too much stuff plus we are pretty happy here. Great town, cops, fire, schools are great.
Our neighborhood is awesome,, everyone looks out after each other and we all get together a couple times a year. Values have gone up like crazy,,, bidding wars to move here. Could not ask for anything better.

You could always move to New Hammy!!!!

Originally posted by garysss:
Glad you got it done, sorry such a hazzle. I know what you mean about Brandon world, we have been looking to possibly move for last few years and haven't found the right place. Now housing prices are crazy and wanted to build a big garage if wasn't with new house, but material prices dang near doubled. So we are still looking, but it would have to be exactly what we want to at these prices.

garysssWe don't really want to move, but we are on outskirts of Baltimore, crime in the city is crazy last 5-6 years. We were trying to move before it come out farther and I would love to have 1 big garage for all the cars. I was hoping to find house with garage already there, but would build it house was right, but now with building prices through the roof, I prefer it to be there.
Landscape Doctor** got it. I knew you was on the outskirts but makes sense on it creeping toward you.

It's much easier to find something to fit your needs than working at making something to fit your needs.

Originally posted by garysss:
We don't really want to move, but we are on outskirts of Baltimore, crime in the city is crazy last 5-6 years. We were trying to move before it come out farther and I would love to have 1 big garage for all the cars. I was hoping to find house with garage already there, but would build it house was right, but now with building prices through the roof, I prefer it to be there.

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