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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:They ARE sh*tholes!
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mslc10Just thought I’d be the first to go on record.

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 01-11-2018 at 09:04 PM

StingRayThe guy simply says what many MANY people think .... and THAT drives libs and snowflakes CRAZY!

Go Donald Go ... Tweet away and stay true to yourself.

George Johnson
Originally posted by StingRay:
The guy simply says what many MANY people think .... and THAT drives libs and snowflakes CRAZY!

Go Donald Go ... Tweet away and stay true to yourself.

ALLEY CATHe could say that about many liberal strongholds in this country....... and not be wrong
ed monahanMy favorite line on TV was that CBS wasn't going to repeat his nasty word so they blacked out the second, third and fourth letters. All the stuff they say on TV and this was just too horrendous. lol
Tomcal"President Shithole"

This message has been edited by Tomcal on 01-12-2018 at 01:17 PM

KlasKatyep, just keep on telling it like it really is Mr. Trump
silverkatLove it when liberals become unhinged. "Trump Derangement Syndrome" in it's last stages. Go Donald Go keep those heads explodin...
StingRayWait till he starts on the middle east ... no that place is a REAL Shitehole!!!!
cstallWow, the Libs sure got spun up over the sh1thole remark!
It's just another example of Trump speaking the painful truth - Haiti and El Salvador ARE sh1tholes!
If anyone disagrees, I have a question for ya: when will you be taking your family there on holiday?

Here's my definition of a Sh1thole Country:
High poverty
High crime
High unemployment
Corrupt government
and the citizens are climbing over each other to get OUT!

This message has been edited by cstall on 01-13-2018 at 04:43 PM

Michael PondCall it what you want, slums, projects,pits,trash heap,garbage piles, ect, it's still a shithole I don't care where its located.
Landscape Doctor http://www.instagram.com/p/Bd6X2AwFeMP/
Landscape Doctor http://www.instagram.com/p/Bd5AGP7FOjn/
Landscape Doctor http://www.instagram.com/p/Bd7o577Fj6S/
Landscape Doctor http://www.instagram.com/p/Bd8mTtpHBL5/

Looks like the shi??ole comment could possibly have been made up by the left because of the good news momentum Trump has had lately. Jobs, economy, stock market, tax cuts, pay raises, company's moving back to the states, drop in food stamp dependants, border crossings down to a trickle. What Trump has done in 1 year is mind blowing compared to the past couple we have had. MAGA.


StingRayFunny thing, AC, in the second image, they would likely be 'refused', and IF allowed to stay ILLEGALLY - they sure as heck wouldn't get free healthcare, free schooling, free phone, free groceries and have the luxury of pressing 2 for English!

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 01-16-2018 at 02:26 PM

ed monahanHow many Americans would choose to go to those countries on vacation?
I told Sandy many years ago, we are not going to visit any country where RICE is the main staple. I was in Korea for a year and I don't want to go back to that lifestyle, no matter what!
Michael Pond
ed monahanBe politically correct and call them "Turd World Countries".

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