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Topic:The strange things we do for cars hope that was GaryC
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
whealySo tonight I’m driving home in with the family in the dark. Were just a few miles from home when I notice a car slip past me in the left lane but slow for traffic. I don’t recognize the taillights at first. Then I realize it’s a new Viper. Then I realize it’s silver. Then I realize the happy plate (called that everyone is ahppy with their car as long as it’s on – others call it a temp tag!) isn’t from a local dealer. I mumble to my wife, hey that’s a silver viper. I finally realize it’s probably Gary C. So I roll down the window (ah it’s in the 30’s around her tonight) as I pull along side and slightly in front at a light. The guy inside is doing everything he can to ignore me . Finally I give a thumbs up and he signals back. Then I think that’s not what I want, he’s going to just think it’s some “fan”. So I start waving and try to get a good look at him. Then I think, I’ll pull forward and he’ll see I have the POA plate frame. (See these do come in handy. Thanks Mike and Judy) So I pull forward watching the rear view and I see him jump behind me (seems I was several cars away from stopped traffic) and sway his car in the lane. I figure, must have finally gotten through.

By that point, I finally feel the stare of my wife piercing through me with eye brows so high she’s stretching her skin! She looks at me and says “What are you doing, it’s just a car!” So I explain what’s been written here. Needless to say, she doesn’t stop staring at me. But of course, I’m watching the rear view again … when the Viper finally passed me as I exited, he was close to a flat bed with a silver H2 on it. So I assume it was Gary. And my wife and I are still laughing about the whole thing.

Sorry if I bored you all, but I found it all pretty funny.

So GaryC, was that you???


Gary CWheelie, It was me, I wondered who was My one and only fan in INDY, Yep the Hummer was being towed back home for FREE. had three cars on 96th street today, I did see the plate frame and didn't put it together.

Viper and LS430(died today) were in the shops today, very bad vehicle day.

Deb was busy, so I had to get the H2 towed home.

I really can't believe it the Viper is more of a gawker than the HiBoy.

Still wish you were going KY.


OMT, this Viper is way more snappyer than the 01 GTS I had, way more.

ALLEY CATwheeliebars - your wife stared at you and said "it's just a car!!!"

??? is this marriage in trouble ???

With three previous marriages in the record books,,,I can provide excellent marriage counseling

CatwomanOMG Whealy!!!! Whatever you do, DO NOT ask A/C for advise! You think your wife was giving you stares before????

cnote6Great Story!!! Sounds like something I would do..LOL

Gary, How much did you sell the Prowler for?

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
wheeliebars - your wife stared at you and said "it's just a car!!!"

??? is this marriage in trouble ???

With three previous marriages in the record books,,,I can provide excellent marriage counseling

It is hard to believe that so many CAR GUY'S get involved with WOMEN that just don't get it. I have met the misses and she could care less about the Prowler, Ford GT, Hummer or Viper........but she does let Bill come out and play sometimes

ed monahanAlley Cat keeps meeting Women who do not care for men or cars. lol.
ALLEY CATEd - I drew a Royal Flush with Lethia. She even wanted to be Prowler Trash and bought one for herself, lol.
ed monahanSounds like my golf game. I figure if you take 8 strokes a hole you should have one or two good shots mixed in there. lol Eventually a blind squirrel will find a nut, right. lol.
Glad to hear that things are smooth out west. Compatability is the toughest part, for sure.
ALLEY CATEd - my golf game sounds like yours. I prefer to play in the rough and club snakes and chase the rabbits,,,,,plus I can improve my ball position when nobody is looking! My short game and putting is where I charge the competition. I find the hole and sink it!
cnote6Gary, How much did you sell the Prowler for?
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
wheeliebars - your wife stared at you and said "it's just a car!!!"

??? is this marriage in trouble ???

With three previous marriages in the record books,,,I can provide excellent marriage counseling


After begin together for 20 years and neither of us yet being 40, I'd say she knew what she was in for and was well prepaired. Besides we know how to support each other!

As for the counseling ... I've recived advise from other POA members on your offer and ,based on their comments, have decided to hold off getting more info for now! But it's nice to nkow it's available!

This message has been edited by whealy on 11-09-2003 at 02:01 PM

ALLEY CATWhealy - Great to know you both get along. Don't believe those other POA associates on my counseling services,,,,they just want my exclusive attention for themselves. The offer is always open to you.
Neal & Mary Ann BardensWHealy:
Don't pay attention to them. Your are very lucky that your wife isn't interested in cars. Mary always thought that two people equals two cars. Now look what happens when they go over to the dark side. Two people eight cars and gets along with Ed.


ALLEY CATNeal - that is a scary thought,,,,,thanks for reminding me.

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