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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:The guy from Ohio
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanRemember way back when a guy from Ohio said, "The Eagle has landed. I don't recall the year but it has been quite awhile.
Today another Ohioan is saying, "The Armadillo has landed". I realize it is NOT QUITE as important but it is newsworthy here on POA.
Actually it is still at the Okeechobee post office since it went to our house in Cincy and then got forwarded down here but we were gone when the carrier arrived and it needs a signature. It will be in my hands tomorrow. It will be in Texas in 3 months and I already know where it is going after that. Stay tuned for that info.
Thanks Oliver for sending it back across the pond. Are there any pictures of where all it went in Europe?
RPLGlad to see him make it. I'm sure his next journey will be memorable. Wild Bill should be happy that his protege is so well traveled with friends. He does seem to make friends easily.
garysssIt sounds like a movie. The travels of the Elder and the Armadillo! Thanks Ed and everyone else for being a good caretaker of our famous mascot.
SimonsezLooking forward to the next chapter.
ed monahanThe box was crushed really badly but Oliver put it inside a box, inside the big box, so it looks great. Good Job Oliver
ed monahan

Mating season in Okeechobee??

TFischerThat's awesome! He started out in Texas in 2004 and will be making his second appearance 16 years later.

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