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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:The United States will not be a refugee holding facility on my watch
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
President Trump: ‘The United States will not be a refugee holding facility on my watch’

On Monday, President Trump made it very clear that the United States will not become a ‘migrant camp’ or a ‘refugee holding facility,’ despite congressional Democrats’ attempts to prevent enforcement of our immigration laws. The Democrats’ political games are preventing Republicans from passing legislation that not only provides safety for Americans, but would also put an end to family separation at the border.
The Washington Examiner has the details:
“The United States will not become a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Won’t be,” the president told White House aides at an event on space policy. “You look at what’s happening in Europe, you look at what’s happening in other places. We can’t allow that to happen in the United States.”
“Not on my watch,” he added.

“We want safety and we want security for our country. If the Democrats would sit down instead of obstructing, we could have something done very quickly,” Trump said, suggesting the two parties could negotiate an immigration bill that ends family separation at the border.
“What’s happening is so sad, so sad. And it could be taken care of quickly. This could really be something special, it could be something … for the world to watch just like they’re watching our incredible economy,” he said.
The president’s criticism of Democrats comes as House Republicans are trying to attract support for one of two immigration bills introduced last week by GOP leaders and House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va. The legislation put forward by GOP leaders would put an end to family separation at the border, though it is unlikely to attract Democratic support.
According to the Department of Homeland Security, there are 11,000 unaccompanied migrant children being held in government facilities and the number is expected to rise over the next few months. It’s time for Democrats to put an end to their childish games and stop obstructing legislation that puts America first.

StingRayCoupled to this is yet another local "governmental" body request here for school supplies. Guess where they are going. Not to homes of American families who may have fallen on hard times from death, divorce, job loss, etc ... nope - trailer park. And guess who lives there? The EXPLODING population of illegals.

Now, I have been very active in PTO organizations at grade, middle and high schools, and can tell you WE put forth a very cost effective program and kit of ALL grade specific supplies kids will need through a company called School Kidz. Yet, these "governmental bodies" all want to pander to and wipe the arises of these illegals who now EXPECT all this to be free - while American families scrap to take care of their child's school needs.

This CRAP has got to stop ... I agree with Trump on this - lets send them back to where they came from ... they have stayed in avery nice accommodation (relative to they sshite hole country) and can be off s0 they owe us nothing.

mslc10Do ANY of these refugees even look like they can contribute to our economy?
That IS what it’s about, right? I mean if they can’t contribute ,the discussion is ended!

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