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Topic:The Shortest Video
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
padrooThe shortest video
> you've ever seen so pay attention... A woman
> goes back to work
> after thirty years. Watch carefully, the
> video is only
> 5 seconds long, but, you'll get
> it. If you're younger
> than 40 years old, you probably won't understand
> it. www.youtube.com/embed/qteu4ld_SCE?rel=0"
StingRayGood one ... played for my eldest - nope, didn't get it.
pumpkinSo true.


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TucsonJerLol. Doesn't seem that long ago. My how time flys.
WildCatWhen at the RVMH hall of fame there was a maunal typewriter on a table outside one of the campers. Amanda Clack was touching it, said she had seen one before but never was able to touch one
Randy CobbA few years ago I showed a neighbor boy (young man really at 17) a vinyl 45 rpm record and he thought it was an early computer disc.
ed monahanI mentioned a SELECTRIC typewriter and none of my neighbors knew what I was talking about.
padrooWhen I was in high school I wanted drivers ed and ended up with typing. I never thought I would ever type and then along came the internet. Lol
stevedymoThe IBM SELECTRIC didn't have the arm to return the carriage. There was a RETURN button. I typed on the SELECTRIC in high school and when I got my speed up the Nun would switch me back to a Manual. After pounding the keys on the Manual, you didn't have to press hard on the Selectric. That baby was fast.
ed monahanI took two years of typing in high school and got up to about 10 WPM. When I got drafted I became a radio-teletype operator and got up to about 70 WPM. I never did get very good at Morse Code and really had no interest in it.
After 4 or 5 months of training I got sent to Korea on Christmas Eve 1965 and never even saw a radio after that.
ed monahanThere was a Selectric I and II. They had the ball instead of the long arms that used to get "clogged" if you went too fast on a manual. That didn't happen to me very often.

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