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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:The President Knew Immediately About Benghazi Attack
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KlasKatRetired Lt. Col. & Special Ops Planner Explains WH Protocol: ‘The President Knew Immediately’ About Benghazi Attack
Calling into Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on Friday, a retired Lt. Col. and Special Operations planner for 15 years said standard protocol dictates that as soon as the White House situation room received the emails about the attack in Benghazi, someone was supposed to go directly to the president of the United States and brief him.
If the Obama administration asserts that the president was not immediately made aware of the attack, the caller said, it’s a “bald faced lie.”
“The personal security detail for the ambassador notified the communications room in Tripoli, who then, on the top secret side, sent a message to the White House situation room that the ambassador was in peril,” the caller said. “They did that by code word and it would have been within minutes of the attack commencing.”
He continued: “The White House situation room has a list of what’s called essential elements and friendly information…certain things go right to the person that is standing next to the president, both military and civilian leadership. So he would have known within minutes, or is supposed to be informed within minutes, because an ambassador is a four-star equivalent; a very high, very important person.”
The retired Lt. Colonel says the White House “can not deny that the president knew immediately.”
“They are. They are,” Limbaugh replied.
“Well, it’s a bald faced lie,” the caller shot back. “I am giving you some inside baseball information
beachcatWell,,,,, he should be impeached then. If it was on that drug addict, Rush Limpknobs show, it must be undeniable truth
ed monahanA retired Col and Spec Ops planner. How smart can he be?
Plus he probably lies a lot (He could be the next President, come to think of it)
Me Time
Originally posted by beachcat:
Well,,,,, he should be impeached then. If it was on that drug addict, Rush Limpknobs show, it must be undeniable truth

Problem with our country (The USA) is we don't get involved enough as a people, we are too well off to care enough to protest in any numbers great enough to get results.

We are the reason the WH (matters not who is in office) walks all over us.

However BC the truth of the matter is that the WH and all those responsible knew full well what was going on in real time and told members of the CIA to stand down.

ALLEY CAT http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/17/john-mccain-snaps-at-david-gregory-over-benghazi-do-you-care-whether-or-not-four-americans-died/

Administration cover-up continues, and will not answer the questions directly related to Benghazi attack, and four dead Americans.

AH David Gregory, NBC News big lib, gets shoe put in his mouth by Sen. John McCain during interview

blackcatI could swear that I saw a couple of other posts here earlier!?!?
ed monahanYep,
Originally posted by beachcat:
Well,,,,, he should be impeached then. If it was on that drug addict, Rush Limpknobs show, it must be undeniable truth

Well if having previously using drugs makes Limbaugh unbelievable and less reliable then I guess the same rationale applies to former pot smoker President Obama. At least Limbaugh got addicted to pain killers as a result of an injury. The President previously smoked pot purely for recreation.

Michael PondThere is always someone assigned to the President 24 hour a day to inform him of anything important that is going on in the world, even at 3am. I'll bet someone tells him every-time Putin farts. Obama lie!!! He has told us this is the most transparent Administration ever???? Do you believe that???
idiveIMO what obama is doing to this country is pretty transparent.
Originally posted by idive:
IMO what obama is doing to this country is pretty transparent.

I would have to agree............Bend over and grab your $ock$!

BHO was talking to some elementary school kids last week,,,,,believe he was telling them 'how they' will have to pay for all the deficit spending he is burying them with

silverkatRush Limbaugh must be doing something right with the following he has. I 've listened to him for years. The left wishes they had such a powerful voice on talk radio. Oh wait I forgot they have Jenine Garofolo.
Michael Pond
Originally posted by silverkat:
Rush Limbaugh must be doing something right with the following he has. I 've listened to him for years. The left wishes they had such a powerful voice on talk radio. Oh wait I forgot they have Jenine Garofolo.

Don't forget MSNBC !!

silverkatYou're right PMSNBC. CNN did a story the other day where Wolf Blitzer did a poll whether or not Rubio's response to the State of the Union, where he drank some water, was a career ender. OMG that Menendez creep in Jersey with his prostitutes is fine w/them but Rubio has a dry throat and drinks water and his career is over. I'm so sick of the Liberal media it hurts.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 02-19-2013 at 11:00 PM

Michael PondWe need some new prostitutes in D.C. I'm tired of the same old ones we have in there now!!!

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