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Topic:The Afternoon the Lights Went Out in Detroit
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RayAs with my post entitled Hoosier Hospitality, I always look forward to my trips to Detroit and the hopes of mooking up with Bob and CJ. This trip was to be no different, except that this was Woodward Dream Cruise week and I was geeked about all the cars and cruising we would see on Wednesday (arrival day for me) and Thursday (would be departing for home on Friday).

Wednesday was a BALL. Met up with Bob and CJ in her Candy Rad kat at the corner of 13 mile and Woodward and there were about a half doven Kats in line with them. After a brief cruise up and down a stretch of Woodward, we parked at Bob's Big Boy for chow and to watcht the cars. Great conversation with GREAT people .. just wished I had my Kat instead of a rental Malibu. Oh well ... maybe next year.

I began heading toward Bob & CJ's Thursday at 4pm after meetings and encountered my first (of what I would find out of many) non-working traffic signal. Let me tell you this ... people in this area of greater Detroit -- had no idea that a non-working traffic signal was supposed to revert to a four-way stop!!! OMG!! It was during that 4 1/2 hour dive (normal drive time would have been 40 minutes .. ya get the drift of ultra grid-lock?) that the DJ on the oldies station I was listening to advised of this HUGE and widespread power outtage. I called CJ and gave her the scoop, as they had just thought it was a local power outtage (here's a tip for others we all there learned that day, TV's are great unless there is no power -- get yourself a battery powered radio and have fresh batteries ... that made a huge difference). I shared a perffffect outdoor candel lit dinner with Bob & CJ and another couple that Bob does business with. After leaving, I felt like I was in Days of Thunder as driving in an area with NO lights, zero, zilch ... specially in an urban setting, makes for scary circumstances. I narrowly avoided a head on collision by someone driving WAY too fast and was instead side swipped in my Malibu (blew out pass side window, but aside from that .. damage was minimal and limited). Calls to 911 went unanswered and local police didn't seem to care since the other guy took off and no one was hurt. Off to my motel I returned ... and it was DARK. No water, candles all burnt down ... and I have always told people that my Idea of Camping was a Comfort Inn ... guess I finally "camped" in a motel.

Friday morning, both appointments cancelled (duh, huh?) and I began to find a way back home to Chicago ... and with 1/4 tank of gas remaning (should have seen all the cars piling into gas stations that were not working, but they were out of gas -- the whole scene was from some kind of horror flick -- wierd). Ahhh .. the joys of business travel.

Aside from the balckout though, I want to just say that Bob & CJ are two of the greatest people that I have met from during my Prowler ownership experience, and have offered to return the hospitality whenever they can come to town -- power outtage and all!

Woodward 2003 ... another memorable experience.

Marc-Colo-99Hey Ray
Talked to Bob and CJ Friday and Bob said you all had an enjoyable evening on the candle lit patio. Bob also said they had hot water but little water pressure and cold beer so what more could you ask for. Glad you made it home safe.


Top KatRay, sounds like a trip you won't forget for a while. Sorry about the sideswipe , but glad you are Okay and your Kat was home. We all should be aware that a blackout such as that could happen anywhere and we all shoud be prepared. Thank you for the info!!
tangled up in BLUEGood story.....glad damage was minimal and no injuries....never crossed my mind last week about people possibly being stranded simply "out of gas"....you should have stayed in Indiana POWER TO SPARE
CJRay.........glad to hear you made it back okay. You never did say whether you drove that rental car home or if you were able to get your flight out! That was some experience, huh? Glad that you were able to get in one night of cruising anyway!! Here's a pic from the cruising night.........you and Carlos Ramirez (akadvs1)

RayCJ ... Made arrangements to drop the car in Kzoo as American was saying that MY flight on Friday afternoon was shoing as "first scheduled flight to depart" ... didn't want to play that gamble .. but then played the gamble of how far I could drive west to find fuel for the car before running out! So much fun!! Thanks for the photo ... hopefully you will be posting others from Saturday so I can see what "would have been" on Thursday night perhaps!

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