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Topic:The 2023 Toyota Prius Is New and Shockingly Gorgeous
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
padrooThe 2023 Toyota Prius Is New and Shockingly Gorgeous

I know everyone here has been waiting for the next Prius to come out. I still love mine at 60 MPG in 24,000 miles.

garysssI think it much better looking. I see a new one in your future.
SimonsezWe ordered a new Toyota 3 months ago and was just told it may take another 3 months before we can expect delivery. Crazy.
Landscape DoctorDon't like the look of the rear,,, but front and sides look excellent.
ed monahanIn the ratings, FUN factor is a ONE out of ten. The roof line looks very similar to the old ones, the front reminds me of a Tesla but then again, I was never in the market for an E V. Do the replacement batteries still cost about 90 percent of a new one?
padrooMost newer Prius cars use lithium ion batteries. Mine fits under the back seat on the passenger side. They are smaller and lighter than the older nickle metal hydride and I don't know about price. They are designed to last the life of the car. They are under warranty for 8 years or 150,000 miles.
Prius is favored by Uber drivers I am told.
TomcalNice re-fresh.
Originally posted by padroo:
Most newer Prius cars use lithium ion batteries. Mine fits under the back seat on the passenger side. They are smaller and lighter than the older nickle metal hydride and I don't know about price. They are designed to last the life of the car. They are under warranty for 8 years or 150,000 miles.
Prius is favored by Uber drivers I am told.

Yes they are favored by Uber drivers, because they smoke all day in the car, they think the Toyota seats absorb the odor, and there passengers don’t smell the smoke. They usually Spray Fabreeze in the car, but it still smells like cigarette smoke.

ed monahanI didn't know about the newer batteries. That is Huge.
ALLEY CATJust now watched Padro's YouTube link, and will say

the new Prius has some attractive advantages....first off
being a Hybrid.

Good looks and acceptable commuter car. Didn't think that I'd ever say that about a Prius, lol.

$28K sounds much better than $42K during the current, tumbling economy.

padrooI did something I normally don't do, I had my Prius alignment checked. While at the dealership I saw Toyota's new luxury car that replaces the Avalon called the Crown.
It is a big full size hybrid, AWD, and gets 40 mpg.

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