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Topic:Thanks to Chuck-CTPROLWER
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Tom SantellaBig thanks go out to Chuck for bringing all his extra Kat goodies over in the snow today.Can't wait to get them on. Now what kind of goodies go on a new Viper? Thanks again Chuck!!!


ALLEY CATTom - Chuck said he walked over all those parts for you,,,,,,,,four miles each way in the cold and snow! You could have given him a ride home!

Chuck is one fine POA member who goes out of his way to help others. He sets a good example for all of us to follow. Can't wait to meet him someday,,,,,,also, so I can eat a large steak in front of him, lol.

Tom SantellaAC, You got that right. Chuck may be the incredible shrinking man, but he still has a big heart. Thanks again!
Oh yeah, it's still snowing!


CTProwlerIt was no big deal! I was going out to the jobsite anyway! Snow? It wasn't sticking on the roads just some on the grass. I knew Tom wanted the items and I wanted them out of my garage and in his hands before he changed his mind.You know how that works!I'm just happy for you Tom!


Tom SantellaWhen I wasn't too sure if I was gonna take the gears, Chuck made up my mind for me by bringing them over. From the way everyone talks, I will thank you for making sure I got them. I think I did drive the candy last summer, it has the same gears , right Chuck? It felt real good. The other stuff is really cool too. Oh yeah, gotta pay for it!Umm, with all the snow I don't think I can get over there Chuck!


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