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Topic:Thanks Bob L.......
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Marty UsherJust wanted to acknowledge Bob Longstreth's help in getting a new stroker crank sent to Norm Brandes for my my new engine. Bob was instrumental in locating the piece and personally shipping it to Westech. This custom one of a kind crank will be the center piece of my new stroker engine. The extra two weeks of waiting for my new engine will be worth it!

Mike Krehel - can you send Norm more money so he can finish my engine. You know it's just R & D for your next (bigger)motor!

2000 Black with hand painted blue faded to purple flames

cnote6Look at how many good friends you meet here!!


dpenaOkay Marty,

I'm starting to get jealous here.... I think that is one of the most exciting moments for a guy who is into mods like myself to hear more performance is being handed to you....

Oh how I wish I could be right up there with you guys....



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DR PROWLERIsn't it true what they say-it's not what you know,it's WHO you know that matters...Bob being that,of course.
Marty UsherThe thing about Bob is he has helped SO many POA people behind the scenes. Everybody hears about the times he and CJ help trailer some broken down kat or certificates for the Friends & Family Program but there are many things he does nobody heres about.

It's because of his connection with Norm Brandes at Westech and Bob's knowledge of who is doing what in terms of R & D on the 3.5 engine that Mike K now has a 11 second Prowler and mine should end up in the low 12's on street tires (I hope)

I have to admit I am little skiddish about running a big shot of N20 and with the new additional HP & torque I may be content to just cruise for this year. (It might be better to be still married & cruising than divorced and broke - in more way than one )

In any event - I plan to do lots of burnouts with JD and Marc while we all try to keep up woth the S/Crambler!

I hear they are both bringing car hauling trailers - just in case!!!!! I hope they can keep upwithout breaking.

This message has been edited by Marty Usher on 03-27-2004 at 12:21 PM

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