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Topic:Texas Stampede is for the Birds ...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Laddie RousselTexas Stampede is for the Birds...

We're having a great time. Lots of new faces & owners attending their 1st National Prowler event. The rain hasn't dampen the fun. Karen & I have logged over 715 miles from cruising since Sunday (Boerne, Lunkenbach, Fredricksburg, LBJ Ranch on Sunday, Monday to Coopers BBQ in Llano (group of 20 Prowlers), and than the cruise yesterday. We're getting ready to leave for Houston this morning.

I'll be posting pics when I get back to Louisiana. I received this one from Janet Foshee and this may be a keeper from the event.... The pigeon flew into the room and landed on Dave's head... New meaning for the term "Pigeon Head"...

All the pigeon would do is peck at Dave's finger.. Finally left the room and came back to peck on the window to try and get back in...

Prowler events are even for the Birds ...


Originally posted by Laddie Roussel:
Texas Stampede is for the Birds...

.... The pigeon flew into the room and landed on Dave's head... New meaning for the term "Pigeon Head"...

OR ...

a true visual to where the term "Shi* Head" originated ... if in fact it did! LOL ... Great shot ... keep em coming Laddie.

prwlynYes Dave started something! That same pigeon caught me out on the breakfast balconey when I was drinking my coffee. It landed on my head and scared the &^*^% out of me and the coffee came flying out of my mouth and the cup went flying! Of course my fellow event coordinator, TAMI FISCHER was laughing so hard she almost fell off her chair! We had coffee everywhere.. Just one of the many great times we all had at the Stampede.

Fred J. Henkel
"Prowler is the Lord Of The Looks"

TFischerI still laugh every time I think about it!!! T
Laddie RousselWell.

The Pigeon story continues... And, we now know it's a lady pigeon...

Here's note I received from Janet with more pics...

Hi, guys! Just when you thought the bird story couldn't get any weirder!!! When I came back up to the room, the pigeon was in the room because Dave had left the door open. I used my umbrella (opening and closing it) to scare her back onto the patio. Believe it or not, Dave discovered she had laid an egg on the table in a towel when he came back a few minutes later!!! Pics to prove it... Janet

ALLEY CATThat same pigeon landed on Mike Gatlin's head twice one morning. That bird was real close to making it into the hotel's buffet meal selection

Bob Goetz said the bird flew into his room and landed on the bed and watched tv. I think Bob had one of the adult movie selections on at that time, lol.

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