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Topic:Texas Prowler Stampede 2004 DVD Trailer Clip... Order Today!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
dpenaChristmas is near and this DVD is a must have for your Prowler Mania DVD archives.

CLICK HERE to preview the Texas Prowler Stampede 2004 DVD by prowlerexcitement.com.


Note: There were many at this event and know there are still dozens of you who still need to get a hold of this DVD. There were 8 hours condensed into 2 and it is packed with Prowler mania photage. It is 99 percent video with Dolby Surround Sound.

As always, thank you for your support...

(Watch Me Burn Rubber) (Need a Banner, get the Details) (Visit My other Sites)

cnote6This clip was even better!! WTG Dan!
prowlerFreekdidnt work just get a new page filled with encrypted junk

Update your windows media player to version 9 or higher

It will play once updated. This movie was compiled with version 9 and is not compatible with lower versions.


dpenaAlso, make sure you use Internet Explorer Ver6 or higher and not Netscape. If you insist on using Netscape, copy the file down to your computer and launch it directly from your drive.


TLRandallOh the days, That was the worst rain I had seen in a long time, and the dirtiest bunch of Prowlers too. My Mulholland was a mess, took months to clean it back to the way it was. That was the event that mad me swear never to drive my car in the rain again!!!
BeWareIt rained so hard at one point I thought it was hail not just rain.
CJThat was one heck of a great time!! Thanks for the memories!!!
ed monahanYou should have followed Pauley through the creek to rinse all that dirt off. A guy in a raised pick up told us we really didn't want to keep going, BUT we did. The water was about a foot deep over the road. Unreal.
I remember the water sitting in the dip next to the temporary ramps to the interstate, also. Pretty deep "puddles". Marty's car had damage to the paint due to the rain coming through the cracks in the garage. OH, the humanity.
ALLEY CATI remember..........it was 10" of rainfall in less than three days. We drove through water runoff 12" deep,,,and me with no windshield wipers (just Rain-X) and cold air intake too close to the road surface

Then,,the nightmare of returning from Houston back to Austin,,at night, during ultra heavy lightning storm, small hail, and driving/blinding rain storm. Mickey (idive, RIP) and us found a gas station with a canopy to park under for over an hour ,,waiting for the storm to pass. I've been trying to forget that episode for over 10 years. Damn Cousin Tami plans an event during horrible weather predictions

TLRandallCompliments of Alley Cat and Idive (RIP)

Originally posted by TLRandall:

Are those chrome wheels?

ALLEY CATT-Rex,,,,thats when I gave your car the name 'Buckets'

I wouldn't have been caught in the above described severe storm so bad if I hadn't left Houston so late. Mickey was traveling with us and Larry Penn from Virginia,,,and he needed gas to make it to Austin. We stopped at three different gas stations, and his credit card was declined each time. After the fourth stop and decline, Larry Penn ran his gas on his c/card, but we already were an hour behind everyone else departing Houston.

Your car is a filthy mess.....I'd never buy it knowing how dirty it was, lol. Now,,just leave it parked in the hauler....the worse that will happen is that it will burn down


I'm saving that picture, so you can't delete it.....it'll make a fine example for others..

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 01-26-2015 at 04:15 PM

TLRandallThat is when you gave me the nickname!

here was the post where you put up this picture:

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