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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Talk about abandoned dealerships........
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareI found this on the Net.

Somewhere in Ohio sits an abandoned Chrysler dealership with old cars parked on the showroom floor, like a prop leftover from a nuclear bomb test. The only evidence of its existence were a set of eerie Flickr photos. Until now.

The first photo of this abandoned dealership actually hit the Flickr photo sharing site in 2004. There's no name on the building or doors, just "Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Jeep" in a font that went out of style around the time Ronald Reagan became president. But the reason this dealership even hits our radar are the two Plymouth Fury sedans seen behind the bird-stained plate glass, tires sagging under rust.

Flash forward six years later and the scene looks much the same, evoking the preservation through neglect that suffocates much of Detroit and Rust Belt America. The weeds block some photos and are shorn in others; clearly the building is still standing and occasionally maintained, but otherwise it's an automotive time capsule. But where is this located? What happened? How did two mighty Mopar classics get here — and why did nobody care enough to move them?

We decided, after stumbling across the photos in a random Flickr search a few months ago, to find out

After some digging and a series of dead ends, Jalopnik dialed up a man named Basil Mangano. "Yeah, that's my building," he told us.

Mangano, 79, was a car dealer for nearly five decades, owning several stores around East Liverpool, before selling off his final store in 1998. When he closed up shop, he sold all of his buildings except this last one, the former Mark Motors, where he decided to stash the old cars he kept around. It's at this point that Mangano drops a real bomb on us.

While the '67 red Plymouth Fury and blue '75 Fury have the spots in front, they're not the only classics this old ghost dealership is hiding from the light of day. Mangano says the building and its annex — hidden from view in the Flickr photos - actually houses a treasure trove barn find of between 35 and 40 classic cars. He says the collection includes "a Chevrolet LUV, a (Dodge) Warlock and Red Express, just a bunch of **** ...they're all over the board."

Mangano plans to close out for good soon, saying he found a buyer for the building and needs to unload the old cars. He's not on the Internet, and hasn't posted any ads in newspapers, magazines or anywhere else, so exactly how that process will work isn't clear.

We're hoping that however - if ever - Mangano happens to unload this dealership barn find of fairly epic proportions, he'll allow us to document the process. But when that happens is just as unclear as the how.

"I'm getting old and feeble," says Mangano, who sounded anything but on the phone. "Even my goddamn doctor says I look good, that sxx of a bxxxx.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 02-09-2011 at 11:55 AM

ALLEY CATI tried to call Bell this morning. His message machine said he was on his way to:

1443 Pennsylvania Ave, East Liverpool, Ohio, 43920

CJInteresting.......wouldn't be cool to see what cars are hiding in there?
jimsuttonWOW - I JUST WENT TO Google Earth put in the address and it zoomed me right to the front door . and you can see the cars still in the show room .. so Cool try it ....
ed monahanHard to believe no one has broken into the building after all this time.
Chi_Town_ProwlerI can't believe that it hasn't been broken into either. The showroom or the warehouse. Unreal!!
This guy must really have an angel on his shoulder.

I bet he has some really nice stuff in that warehouse. Maybe a Superbird, 300, early Vette, or a Hemi car or two.....

DON WIEBERon our way to branson we seen a dealership that was in a estate with new gold prowler in the show room. no one has touched it for years. it was in court to find out what family member will get it.
cnote6Thanks Rich for the story!

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