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Topic:Taking off front bumpers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ersfrI started to take the driverside front bumper off and got all of the bolts off but one. Is there a special technique or tool to get to this bolt head. I don't really want to take the whole frontend off to get to it. Thanx. Steve
KokoI just took mine off yesterday.

1. First place a small towell at the bottom just in case you drop something.

2. Use a small 1/4 inch rachet and 1/2 or 13mm socket. (The 1/2 seemed to fit better)

3. Come in from the bottom of the front bumper angle. You will get a couple clicks on the rachet at a time but it will come off. Once I read to come in from the bottom I had each off in 5 minutes.

Hope this helps!

Koko- Baltic, Ohio


nitrosteveGood call Koko that worked for me as well!

Hey Steve, Craftsman's Ratcheting wrench (GearWrench) seems to work pretty well with its 4-degree swing ark. Just lots of strokes.

Best regards,

Larry Bowton

LUPOREWith all but one bolt removed you can pull the bumper down this will make access to the last bolt much easier.
ed monahanYou need a stubby handled ratchet, much easier. Especially if it has a swivel head.
ersfrThanks for all of the info. I will try it next days off. I let ya'll know how it turns out. Steve

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