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Topic:TGF Clearance Sale - minor goof...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BuckNekkidOkay. Here's the deal. I just got my stuff from TGF, and somebody in their shipping department seems to have goofed. I got my headrest covers and door panel inserts, but I ended up with a set of rocker panels that don't belong to me, and my Grille didn't show up. I'm assuming since both of those items "sold out", that someone out there is short a set of rocker panels, and by extension someone got a grille that they weren't supposed to. I'm sure whoever got my Grille is a bit confused by it's arrival, and I'm equally sure that whoever is missing their rocker panels is as frantic as I am about my "missing" TGF grille.

Let's put the honor system to work here - if whoever got a TGF Grille they weren't supposed to would step up and let me know, and in turn whoever DIDN'T get a set of TGF rocker panels they WERE supposed to get, we can get this all straightened out. I've left a message for Norb already and I'm hoping he can help figure out what happened since they've got all the shipping records.

If I hear from Norb who got my Grille and who was SUPPOSED to get the rocker panels I got, I'll post it here immediately.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation...

OrangeAnd someone out there got my hardtop. Please ship it to me and I'll pay the shipping.

If you have BuckNekkid's grill, I would keep it and keep quiet, it's much nicer than rocker panels. Or, sell it to me, I'll give you cash.

Tom SantellaOn the serious side, I did have a set of rocker panels on order that Norb said was going to ship more than a week ago, along with a couple of other items. I haven't seen them. But I didn't get a grille by mistake either. I am sure Norb will straighten it out.


Tytanium-KI wish I would get Buck's Grille...a grille I'd dearly love to have--then maybe he'd send photos he promised me a month ago! Maybe??? But prolly not, eh Buck!!!

This message has been edited by Tytanium-K on 11-08-2004 at 07:58 PM

CTProwleroh no!!!!!!!!Lost in the mail!!! lost discontinued items!


BuckNekkidTo whomever got Orange's hardtop - I owe him a favor, so let me know where you live and I'll swing by and pick it up for him. Orange - I'll deliver it right to your door - I promise. Really. I will. I swear.

Ty - what can I say. Any excuse is a poor excuse - just been buried. I'll do what I can as soon as I can.

No word back from Norb on the missing grille yet...

ALLEY CATThat new TGF grill sure looks nice on my cat,,,,tooooo bad its the wrong color

OK, not funny! Buck,,,I'll PM you when it goes on eBay.

Hope you get all the confusion sorted out soon!

ed monahanI got stuck with a grille and I wanted the free stickers. This stinks.
BuckNekkidHey Ed - as it turns out I got a set of $375 stickers and no grille, so if you wanna swap I'm game
ed monahanI didn't care for the grille and gave it to Richard who had an even uglier grille. lol
Tom SantellaHas anyone gotten a word from Norb regarding the orders that may have been sent to the wrong people or that may be in transit? Chuck, Stop laughing! JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT EVERYTHING FOR YOUR KAT THAT YOU WANTED, that doesn't make us feel any better.


Bob MillerNorb sent me an e-mail about a week ago saying they miscounted the rocker panel "spears" I ordered and that there were none left. I'm still waiting for my orange hard top to show up. Yesterday I sent Norb an e-mail asking for status but have not heard back for him yet. My c/c has not been charged yet.

Should I be getting nervous?

charlie buiI made contact with Norb last Thursday 11/04...Norb stated that my hardtop was ready and it will be ship out on Friday.

I should be getting the hardtop sometime on Monday or Tuesday. I haven't receive anything. Hopefully, its will be here Wednesday.

BuckNekkidFor all those other lucky folks who were able to grab the last of the TGF Prowler stuff...

Heard from Norb this morning (at 7:30 PST no less) - he made sure to let me know he was in Jersey on business or he'd have gotten back to me sooner. Turns out to have been a simple and honest mistake - accidently sent the wrong part number down to shipping (rockers instead of a grille), but he's shipping my grille out today, and arranging for the pickup of the rockers, so all is good.

I really hate it that we're losing (at least temporarily) TGF and Norb - not only are their products outstanding, but they are a pleasure to do business with as well.

I would think the rest of you should have your stuff shortly as well

Edited for grammatical and typograhical errors. Better go get more coffee....

This message has been edited by BuckNekkid on 11-10-2004 at 09:43 AM

Edited for grammatical and typograhical errors. Better go get more coffee....

Better go get more.......typographical

Bob MillerHey BuckNekkid - Thanks for the update on Norb. Hope you got your caffine fix by now! I do one large every morning BEFORE I lay a hand on my computer...or anything else for that matter!

BuckNekkidThanks a million for pointin' that out CJ

Startin' to look like a Foglifter is in order today. For those of you unfamiliar with such things, that's a large cup of strong black coffee with a doubleshot of espresso IN IT. Kinda like rocket fuel for us humans

ed monahanI avoid coffe totally. Of course, I never get up before NOON, if I can help it. So, in summation, to avoid early morning typos (or is that typoes), don't get up early. lol

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