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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Survey. Who will Obama support?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareQuestion. If Joe Biden jumps in the race who do you think Obama will support, Joe or Hillary? Another option is will he stay out of it and support neither one at least until one shows to be the more popular candidate in the polls.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 08-04-2015 at 03:51 PM

ALLEY CATIMO,,,BHO will only be concerned about himself, in his massive new luxury home in Hawaii,,,living large, spending millions made from speeches, writing another BS book, with full Secret Service protection and personal Healthcare attention nearby at the snap of a finger.

He doesn't give a rat's azz about anything or anybody else,,,,**except those covering up the lies he has hidden while in office.


mslc10he will support Joe, joe will make a third term for obama .
if joe wins he will solidify obamas thought that he would win again,much in the way bush senior solidify reagans legacy as a popular president. hope I made sense of that....
bjprowlerI would hate to think that our choices boiled down to Clinton, Biden or Trump...

Seriously,....Is this the best candidates that our great nation can come up with?

Prediction: Trump will come out of the Thursday night debate as the incompetent, pompous ass that he is.....(jmo)

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 08-04-2015 at 08:59 PM

silverkatYou can't mess with "The Trump Express".............................Trump's got critics nervous gotta edit. Brilliant move on his part when someone gave out his cell phone #. I tried to call his cell phone but his mail box is full. He He HE........Hey don't feel so bad Rick Perry snagged a seat at the children's table. He'll be able to show Carly how many pull ups he can do. Added bonus is that Chris Christie gets to sit at the adult table cause if he were at the kids table he'd drink all the milk and eat all the cookies!

This message has been edited by silverkat on 08-04-2015 at 09:20 PM

Landscape Doctoroops, damn newbie.

This message has been edited by Landscape Doctor on 08-04-2015 at 09:29 PM

Landscape DoctorChrissy does not have a chance, not sure why he is wasting his time.
Originally posted by Landscape Doctor:

Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by mslc10:

Don't they look so happy together?

silverkatThey're positively adorable! Chubsy Ubsy and Bony Barry...

While most Americans aren't truly health conscious ,,,, the media slams it down our throats to be. I don't ever see the voters ever electing an obese person to the presidency. Christie is only fooling himself,,,he has little chance if any.

IMO, a sitting Governor shouldn't even be in the mix,,,they are elected by the voters of their state to do and finish the job they got elected for.

Take a seat, lard butt!

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

While most Americans aren't truly health conscious ,,,, the media slams it down our throats to be. I don't ever see the voters ever electing an obese person to the presidency. Christie is only fooling himself,,,he has little chance if any.

IMO, a sitting Governor shouldn't even be in the mix,,,they are elected by the voters of their state to do and finish the job they got elected for.

Take a seat, lard butt!

Agree on all accounts as stated ....


This message has been edited by mslc10 on 08-05-2015 at 08:53 AM

ed monahanObama will vote "Present" just like he did when he was in Congress. He can't make a real decision. He really wants to be a "pop" star, a real dude. He isn't a politician other than he can lie extremely well.

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