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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Support quietly growing for Trump among working Hispanics...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Donald Trump could win over Hispanics who fear job competition from illegals


mslc10Are they finally wising up?! Do they not understand the word " competition" ? there are only so many jobs and the more people you have " competing" for those jobs, the less chance you have to score one of those jobs!

But then most will be content sucking up free chit for nothing!!

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 11-04-2015 at 09:51 PM

Me Time
Originally posted by mslc10:
Are they finally wising up?! Do they not understand the word " competition" ? there are only so many jobs and the more people you have " competing" for those jobs, the less chance you have to score one of those jobs!

But then most will be content sucking up free chit for nothing!!

The support has been there all along, don't let the media play games with you. There are bright people in every segmant of oour population and they know which end is up. Any working person knows that paying for everyone else comes from there pockets.

mslc10Not to disagree with you ,but let me disagree with you.
I believe that there are those that come here and work hard , but also there are those that want their country's form of government ( freebies, socialism, 2 months of pd vacation, etc,etc) to be established here on top of there being able to work for money. This is what is soooo dangerous about unfettered immigration!!! We are losing our conservative and religeous values that this country was founded on!! You can see it locally....Texas as a state is red, but cities that are high in folks from blue cities are changing the voting demographic of those cities. San Antonio was fairly red ,but with the immigration, and hispanic explosion ,SA is turning blue, and also becoming a dump.
Landscape DoctorSystematic takeover. If next years election is not won by non political candidates I am afraid it is the end game. A Republican or Tea Party candidate will no longer be able to win the presidency.

Build the wall with big beautiful gates.

Originally posted by Landscape Doctor:
Systematic takeover. If next years election is not won by non political candidates I am afraid it is the end game. A Republican or Tea Party candidate will no longer be able to win the presidency.

Build the wall with big beautiful gates.

Sc* *w the beautiful gates ... manned gun turrets every 1/4 - 1/2 mile with laser and night vision sighting ... and electrify the sucker as well. That's the "welcome" we need down there!

Make America Great Again!!!

This message has been edited by StingRay on 11-05-2015 at 09:51 PM

Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by StingRay:
Sc* *w the beautiful gates ... manned gun turrets every 1/4 - 1/2 mile with laser and night vision sighting ... and electrify the sucker as well. That's the "welcome" we need down there!

Make America Great Again!!!

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