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Topic:Sunday Auto Transport??
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tomerDoes anyone have any first hand experience with Sunday Auto Transport, out of PA? www.sundayautotransport.com

They seem to have their act together, but one never knows if there are problems lurking under the covers so to speak.

I need to ship my Kat from MN to NorCal !!


Mike KrehelTomer,

Some interesting reviews on car transport companies can be found here: http://auto-deliver.com/directory/

Rod EndsleyTomer Looks Like You Found the KAT What color & Year Congratulations Rod
tomerThanks Mike!!

Rod, looks like I am getting a 2002 Kandy Red!


Bama Katask for a certificate of insurance from their cargo carrier


This message has been edited by Bama Kat on 04-25-2005 at 07:54 PM

01ProwlerOne thing to make sure of when you ask how much cargo insurance they carry is to ask how many cars will be carried at the same time along with yours. That way you can figure out how much insurance your car would actually have. You want to make sure that there is enough insurance to cover a total loss of every vehicle on the truck. Cargo insurance isn't cheap either so they may try and cut corners because most people don't deal with exotics everyday. I know that some carriers that haul 10-12 cars at a time have a $250,000 policy. Now you can see they would come up way short if the load was nothing but Ferraris.
For example in my business I was delivering Brand new from the factory limousines and Lincoln Towncars. I really wanted to make sure I was covered in that scenario so I purchased enough cargo insurance to cover them up to $100,000 per car. The carrier should also have a minimum liability policy of $1,000,000.

This message has been edited by 01Prowler on 04-25-2005 at 06:35 PM

wuzzzertomer, I'd drive it to NorCal for ya!
WinterProwlerI used a company by the name of Hanson's to transport my prowler from PA to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Everything went off without a problem. Car arrived in perfect condition.


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