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Topic:Success in Orlando
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Greg and VetaWent to Orlando this past weekend to use up expiring Disney tickets and decided to take the Prowler and go over to Old Town to participate in their Friday night muscle car show and cruise. Most of the cars were the typical Corvettes, Mustangs, and other assorted "common" cars. Out of 50 to 60 cars we had the only Prowler, and I don't need to tell you about getting a lot of attention. The end of the night features a cruise down the Old Town street and announcing the nights winners of which there were three. To my surprise we were a winner! No trophy, but they give out a checkered flag that just before the cruise so people can identify you as a winner, and a pin and cash coupons for buying tourist crap in Old Town! We had a great time, and even had the dog with us...she got almost as much attention as the Prowler.

[img]http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/im age_uploads/img_3546.jpg[/img]

Greg and Veta

Looks like I lost a photo

ed monahanWay to go
Greg and VetaForgot to add that in the parking lot of the hotel a guy came over to talk about Prowlers. Turns out he was a former Prowler owner and POA member. Can't believe I didn't get his name but a lot of you know him I'm sure. He said he designed and sold the metal cross brace that goes across the frame just above the battery that some of you have on your Prowler.
ALLEY CATThat most likely was Bill Gallagher, from Magic Touch Designs in Florida..


Not positive, but I think he sold his red cat to Vera and Ty-K Ken, in 'Bama?

jimsuttonWay to GO .. What ya doing next ??????
Greg and Veta
Originally posted by jimsutton:
Way to GO .. What ya doing next ??????

Following you to Asheville.

Greg and Veta
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
That most likely was Bill Gallagher, from Magic Touch Designs in Florida..


Not positive, but I think he sold his red cat to Vera and Ty-K Ken, in 'Bama?

Could be. I know he said he was from FL, I think Ft Lauderdale area. He did say he had bought and sold several Prowlers, and always took off the bumpers immediately.

DIXIE CatBill posted by WPG & lived in Orlando when he owned the '99 red cat and AC is correct his business is "Magic Touch Designs".
garysssGood showing. Congrats!
jimsuttonGreg -- Glad to see that You and Veta are coming to Ashville We can meet up in Ocala 4 Prowlers so far and a some more interested in the trip .. I will get with You soon with more info ... Jim..
DlugiprowlerWe should definitely do something Florida soon. I would love to meet up with you all.

On The Prowl,

Vincent and Meghan Dlugi
Tampa Bay Area, FL, USA

jimsuttonVincent have you signed up for the Prowler Aug. get togather in Ashville,Nc. Sign up It will be fun . and If you are ever in Ocala let me know .. Jim/Jean/Catmando ....

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