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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:Stainless Steel Vortex Generator for Prowler
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Bob MillerAnyone know anything about these? I'm about as mechanical as dental floss, so I have to ask it this sort of thing will work and not screw up my Prowler. Thanks
RayOh cool ... a POA Crown to be handed out at next years event in Louisville ... just like the cheesehead from this past year's Dells event!
toysI've tried it before and i can say it did nothing for me, i also returned it.


BradleyGI got one for FREE at Burger King.

Sorry, I did not install it on the Prowler, so do not know if it works.

ASHEVILLE-KATPOPULAR MECHANICS magazine tested 7 alleged fuel-saving gadgets in its September 2005 issue. Not surprisingly, NONE of them produced fuel savings or increased mileage. Here's a sample from their report:

These devices, which are usually installed on the upstream side of the mass airflow (MAF) sensor, use stationary vanes or, on some devices, spinning blades to make the inlet air between the air cleaner and intake manifold whirl around in a mini-tornado. This vortex supposedly mixes fuel more thoroughly with air, which means the fuel will, theoretically, burn more completely in the combustion chamber. Trouble is, there's a lot of intake tract downstream from these devices designed to maximize a smooth airflow. Turbulence, coupled with the restricted airflow caused by the device, can only reduce the amount of air sucked into the manifold. Less air means less power.
THE DYNO SAYS: Both tested devices reduced peak horsepower by more than 10 percent. The "Intake Twister" increased fuel consumption by about 20 percent; the "TornadoFuelSaver" provided no significant change.

Check out the whole story at:

Bob MillerThanks Miami Kat - very informative article and answers my question!!!
Tom SantellaHow is it possible to market and adverise these devices when they are so contrary to what they claim?


BeWareThere is an commercial with Sam Memmolo recommending this device. I guess he has sold out to make a few more bucks. I used to respect him.
catfishbeware,i used to respect him also.he sold out,that vortex generator does nothing.its also round.the prowler intake at throttle body is oval shaped.some people will do anything for money.


KrautIf it sounds too good to be true .................
Marty Usher
Originally posted by Ray:
Oh cool ... a POA Crown to be handed out at next years event in Louisville ... just like the cheesehead from this past year's Dells event!

I'll have to work to find one large enoug to be used as a crown!

Bcoffman Gray GhostI have always looked at these things as a way to separate a person from his money. If these items worked so well (extra horsepower or better fuel economy), then the manufacturers would be installing them.
Originally posted by BradleyG:
I got one for FREE at Burger King.

Sorry, I did not install it on the Prowler, so do not know if it works.

Thanks for the

this morning!
I saw that too, and wondered adout its claims ability?

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