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Topic:Split window
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
jwallis Has anyone seen this car before? What is your opinion?
garysssLooks Photoshop to me.
Landscape DoctorLooks like a photochop
Landscape DoctorI guess we think alike. Good evening Gary.

Originally posted by garysss:
Looks Photoshop to me.

ed monahanSide window is really poorly executed. I think is rather an old photo. I saw it years ago.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 05-20-2023 at 10:28 PM

padrooI like the concept.
BeWareThis was a photoshop concept from many many years ago.
Bob MillerWonder how long before the Prowler store sells these...
Beachkat2I did this a long time ago. Wasn't very good at PS back then
TLRandallI’m going to talk to the hot rod shop to see if they would be willing to tackle this. I would like to give one a try after we finish the M&L Top.
Steve ConleyI Want One!
Steve ConleyI would much rather have this split window top instead of a delivery top I want one.
MDProwlerThen you won’t get kicked out of the Vette shows😂😂😂
Steve ConleyIf I had one of these, the corvette guys would be really jealous. The phantom Garage made a split window removable hardtop for a corvette. A while back
Steve ConleyYes this is true! Also does anybody even make replacement rear window, split window glass?? Just wondering??
Originally posted by Steve Conley:
Yes this is true! Also does anybody even make replacement rear window, split window glass?? Just wondering??

I just did a quickie search and found that there is reproduction rear glass available as well as the stainless trim and clips if needed.

The two pieces of rear glass are available from multiple vendors in the range of about $800.00

The later single piece glass runs about $450.00

LargentI know Tom Mills can figure out how and where to split the top and make this really work...
ed monahanYour current hardtop does NOT replace the trunk lid. You would need an entire new piece.
cdeluca99The one issue I see would be securing that top to the car. How would you do it?
Originally posted by cdeluca99:
The one issue I see would be securing that top to the car. How would you do it?

JB Weld ....

Originally posted by cdeluca99:
The one issue I see would be securing that top to the car. How would you do it?

The design would likely need to incorporate the roof and deck lid together very much like the M&L Delivery Top was done.

When the Deck Lid is raised, the top would need to be unlatched from the windshield header too.

The up side would be a little more space to carry stuff in the car like one would have had on the C2 Corvette coupe did versus the convertible version.

The down side would be the additional weight in the hinges if the unit needed opened up to check the transmission fluid through the access hole back there.

In the end, this would be a one off type deal as I really don't see much of a demand for something like this even though it would draw a good bit of attention.

MAYBE another possibility would be to incorporate a rear glass that opens up like on the 1986 Monte Carlo Aerocoupe, the 1982 style Camaro, or the 1991-1996 Corvette Lift Hatch Glass. Maybe even to keep it Mopar, design something like the 1964 Barracuda fastback used.

To further the Barracuda line of thinking...
Design it to replace the deck lid and incorporate a Lift Off roof panel like Dodge used on the first generation Viper.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 06-14-2023 at 01:37 PM

CAT-A-TONICThat's one of the wildest things I've seen!! They need to get rid of the emblem.

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