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T O P I C     R E V I E W
John ColeI have replaced the speakers in the doors twice. The passenger side door speaker again needs replacement.
I do not want to spent the money for a new system so is there a good quality speaker, compatable with the factory system, that I can use for replacement?
cstallDo a search on "door speakers" and you'll find boatloads o' info...
here's one thread... http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/014902.html

Good Luck!

onaprwlI went through the same problems until I was tired of replacing them. Took the cat to Sound One Audio and had them replace all the speakers with serious up grades and add a additional amp behind the drivers seat. Look at the car and you see nothing different but the sound is incrediable. If someone taps a pencil on the radio station I am lising to while I am driving at 75 on the interstate with my top down I can hear it. Clearity not BOOM BOOM! Way to go.


PhatBoiI recently repalced my stock speakers with the Infiniti Kappa set.

The stock speakers were begining to tear. This is a common problem. I had patched-up one of the speaker diaphragms with transparent silicone adhesive gel and electrical insulating tape. It sounded like any other stock system.

I would be more than happy to give my patched stock speakers if you pay for shipping.

The stock speakers are quite powerful, the only problem is the foam surround on the cone. I believe some pro audio shops can manufacture new surrounds for your speakers too.

Let me know.

PhatBoiBUY THIS NOW: http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-INFINITY-KAPPA-63-7i-6-5-3WAY-SPEAKERS-225Wmax_W0QQitemZ170038634522QQihZ007QQcategoryZ58025QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

FOLLOW THESE EASY STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.zianet.com/SLlover/page60a24.html

Took me an hour to casually install my new peakers. Don't waste your time shopping for anything else. The Infinity Kappas are your best bet

Here is another good older thread regarding speaker replacement!


Tom MillsYesterday I installed a set of infinity speakers in a Prowler and after looking at the crossover I decided to install it behind the arm rest between the black water shield and the door trim panel as it is not a water proof unit and actually has vent holes in it that I am sure would take on water if you are driving in good hard rain. You have to realize that water travels through the door and out the drain holes in the bottom of the door. I would think that it would only be a matter of time until it gets wet.
Tom Mills

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