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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Some observations during Covid
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanI have been travelling up and down I-75 in Cincinnati a lot, lately. I bought a house built in 1899 but it has four much newer garages, that is the sole reason I bought it. It is about 10 miles south of us, hence the frequent trips.
What I have noticed that EVERYONE is going about 20-25 MPH over the speed limit EXCEPT for the guy in front of me!
I know I have been in the correct lane almost constantly since everyone who passes me on either side IMMEDIATELY changes lanes to get in front of me. I am not speeding, I am only going about 15 MPH over the limit.
Also NO ONE uses their turn signal except for the folks with FLA plates who have the left turn signal on but never change lanes. Maybe they will turn after they get through TN and GA.
I will have more to complain about tomorrow. I am getting old and did not have any patience, even when I was young! Drive safely.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 08-25-2020 at 01:18 AM

padrooI can't remember the last time I was on the Interstate.
Drive safely my friend.
A lot of the times we cross over I 94 here in Indiana it looks more like a parking lot. LOL
garysssSame here Ed, doing 70 in a 55 Zone and everybody passing me. It feels like they are doing 100 when they go by. I keep looking at my speedometer thinking it's broke. I also notice many people not stopping at red lights and stop signs. I now enter all intersections with caution.
tbonelynchlooks like a good time to buy a dash cam before you wished you had one.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I am not speeding, I am only going about 15 MPH over the limit.

Drivers around here don't seem any worse than normal.

DublinOHI spent last week in FL and did not see one driver use a turn signal the entire time I was there (except me). Is it really that much trouble?
Hoagie1People are just being more and more careless and stupid for sure.
As far as FL drivers no one ever uses turn signals...lol.

Drive safe everyone.

WildCatwas in Indy and 465 is 55 mph speed limit...... I had gotten off 65 which is a 65 MPH until you get to 465......... get on 465 rush hour traffic so merging in and when I look down going 70 mph and people are passing me

Coming home there is a construction area on 65 that is basicly done but they still have the 55 mph limit in the zone, so I pulling a trailer and on cruise at 70, have a guy pulling a u haul without running lights so had flashers on pass me like I was standing still. See a ISP car sitting in the median, so he slows down after he passes the car, a mile or 2 later another ISP .......... Guess 70-80 is OK in the finished construction zone.

tbonelynchDo you think that the police are ignoring speeders because the local governments are wanting to cut their funding? Speeding tickets are a money maker, so why make money for a local government when they want to cut your pay? Just my opinion on the current situation.
Originally posted by tbonelynch:
Do you think that the police are ignoring speeders because the local governments are wanting to cut their funding? Speeding tickets are a money maker, so why make money for a local government when they want to cut your pay? Just my opinion on the current situation.

tbonelynchAnyone see the latest Cannonball Run record? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOWn1WSYhVQ
Andy RThat’s me on I-75 Ed, I am going the speed limit, 45 in a 45…
ALLEY CATQuote: "I bought a house built in 1899,,,,,"

By chance was that the log cabin you were born in when it was new?

ed monahanDo you want pictures of the speeders or the left turn signals blinking?

Andy, I wasn't waving, I was giving you a one finger salute.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 09-01-2020 at 11:10 PM

ed monahanTBone, the PD gets very little $ from the traffic tickets. MOST of it goes to the county for court costs, etc. I have heard the actual percentage but didn't write it down so I have no idea what it is. I THINK less than 10 %, but I am not sure and it certainly could vary wildly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
ed monahan

The house is not that faded, at all.

garysssOne more garage and more rental income for Ed. The two garages on right, if you could get a car in there, you couldn't open the door to get out.

Ed, Good purchase, that place doesn't look to be 120 years old. The two chairs out on the front porch will be perfect for you and Hemidan to chat Prowler stories while tippin' a few diet Dr Peppers.

Will Hemidan be cleaning the rain gutters out for you?
The previous owners left that 30', 1899 rotted-wood ladder for him to use

Why the wrought iron fencing on top of the garages?

The place can also make a nice 'drop-house' for hiding illegal aliens being brought into the Cincy area.

ed monahanThe fence is no longer there. That picture was from 5 years ago. That garage has a flat roof and you could walk out on it. It was leaking back then and they re-did it.
Gary, that stuff in front of the garage door was probably while they were working on it. The garages are actually very deep, I can park a m.c. and a car in each spot except for the second one. I will be putting two trailers in that one and probably a bike when we get everything organized.
ed monahanThat picture was from 5 years ago. That garage has a flat roof and you can walk out on it. It was leaking back then and they re-did it.
One of my sons cleaned the gutter for me already. Old box gutters and one was partially blocked.
Gary, that stuff in front of the garage door was probably while they were working on it. The garages are actually very deep, I can park a m.c. and a car in each spot except for the second one. I will be putting two trailers in that one and probably a bike when we get everything organized.
ALLEY CATHemidan works cheaper than your son,,to clean the gutters.
Hemi also does roofing jobs and likes jobs up high.

Does the yard lamp work?

Doesn't appear that you have to worry about flooding....

Does it still depend on coal to burn for heating?

ed monahanThe lamp rusted out around the base so they had removed it. It was a gas lamp.
The furnace is gas, forced air, no central a/c.
I make my sons pay me to do the work, so they can claim more experience. lol They are firemen so I have them bring a ladder truck over whenever I need something. lol
It is probably less than 1/2 mile from the Ohio River, as the crow flies, but it is almost to the top of Price Hill, hence it is on a hill. There are condos behind it worth some big $ due to the great view. I bought it for the garages, not the house. I don't know the plan for the house yet. Maybe rent it, maybe not.
ALLEY CATGood thing the place is up high on the hill...

wouldn't want this to happen to the garages:

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