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Topic:Sold our candy red Kat!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
nitrosteveSomething happened this past weekend I didn't think would happen, at least not in the near future. We took the Kat with the trailer down to Balboa (Newport Beach) for a cruise. A friend of ours is the manager of the Ruby's Diner on the end of the Balboa Pier. So we went out to see him and had lunch. It was a beautiful day. When we returned to the car there was a young man walking around the car, looking very closely at everything, made me a little nervous at first. He had ridden up on a bicycle and looked like a typical surfer beach bum type guy. He was dressed in a beater t-shirt with a Quick Silver logo on it, shorts and sandals. He looked like he didn't have two nickels to rub together. We approached and he immediately struck up a conversation about the car, stating he had never seen anything like it and he had all the usual questions. We talked for a few minutes and he asked if I would be interested in selling it. I told him I wasn't intending to sell it but you know how it is anything is for sale if the price is right I told him. We talked for quite a while and he offered us $35,000.00 for the car with the trailer and the hardtop and all the mods. I still was thinking this guy couldn't be serious, so I countered with a $38,000.00 offer thinking that would deter him. He stuck out his hand and said we had a deal. He asked where we lived and how we could handle the transaction. He at that point took out a check and wrote me a $10,000.00 deposit on the car. He post dated the check saying he couldn't get to the bank until Tuesday could we meet him there and bring the car. I told him no it would have to be done through my bank and he would have to come to Chino Hills, he agreed, no problem. I put the check in my pocket and we left never expecting to hear from him again. This morning my banker called and said he was at the bank waiting for us. We went down still skeptical and he was there. We talked for a while and since he banked at Chase as well, my banker handled everything and the transfer of funds was done instantly at the bank. He was dressed in a casual suit and had a trophy woman on his arm that turned out to be his wife, he explained he was buying it as a gift for her for her birthday next month. We all went to lunch and had a very nice time, turns out he owns several properties in the Newport and Huntington Beach area. We didn't take the Kat with us so after lunch we came to our house and he picked up the car. I guess this only goes to show you can't always judge a book by its cover. I never would have guessed this guy had a dime he truly looked like a typical beach bum. Go figure. He invited us to their home in Pelican Point for a Labor Day weekend bash and birthday celebration for his wife. He says he has several collector cars we might like to see. They are all exotics so I can't wait to see them. We will be signing off, but will from time to time check in and see how everyone is doing, Kathy and I wish you all the very best. We have met some of the most wonderful people we have ever known and will cherish our Prowler memories for ever. Everyone take care and God Bless you all.

This message has been edited by nitrosteve on 08-23-2011 at 02:26 PM

BeWareInteresting story, Sorry to hear that you sold your car but you seem happy with deal and that's what is important. Reminds me of a story my uncle told me. He was service manager at a Dodge Dealer in Rockville MD. One day a farmer walked into the showroom wearing a dirty T-Shirt and overalls with Cow manure all over his boots. Pretty much everyone ignored him except for one salesman. Turns out this guy was one of the richest men in the county and pulled out a wad of cash and paid in full for the most expensive car they had in the showroom. This occurred back in the 50's.

No reason to stop posting just because you sold the Kat.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 08-23-2011 at 02:41 PM

ed monahanSorry to hear you sold your car but I guess you got an offer you couldn't refuse.
I don't think I would sell my Candy with the hardtop and trailer for that price but when it is time to move on, I guess it is time. Sounds like the guy has some major moolah and he might use the dressing like a bum to his advantage if he is a shrewd business man.
Stay in touch. I know you have some serious collectibles so I guess we will be seeing some of them coming up for sale.
DESany good photos of the car?
DlugiprowlerWow what a story and we hope that you get another Prowler when the time is right. Please keep posting and enjoy the extra cash while the dollar is still worht something God Bless you and your family.
ALLEY CATSteve and Kathy,

Sorry to hear you have sold the Prowler, but if the deal was acceptable to you, then by all means congrats!

You are right about pre-judging people by appearance only,,,,you just never know. The guy who owns the McDonald's franchise where are weekly, saturday, car show is held,,,,looks similar to how you described the guy in your post. Our guy has long hair, and wears nearly worn out clothes most of the time, yet he owns fourteen McDonald's franchises. Meet him out amongst a crowd of people,,,you'd think he didn't have a dollar in his pocket and is going to ask you if you have any loose change to spare.

Be sure to stop by often and check-in with this rowdy bunch, lol. We hate to lose long time members...

Good luck, and take care,
Larry & Lethia

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 08-23-2011 at 03:19 PM

frank roseI sold my black 2000 cat a few years back and as I watched it being loaded on the flat bed and slowly going down the road I knew immediately I had made a mistake. As a guy that builds vetts I have had and have some sharp rides, but nothing prepares you for owning a prowler, its a life style, and once you have experienced it its very difficult to go back.

Just purchased a 2001 blue cat with 500 miles a few months ago, and now the world is right....

Marty UsherI hope he doesn't read here that you thought he was a bum or he might cancel your invitation for Labor Day Weekend!

Now you just have decide what color your next Prowler will be!

Originally posted by nitrosteve:
He was dressed in a casual suit and had a trophy woman on his arm that turned out to be his wife, he explained he was buying it as a gift for her for her birthday next month. We all went to lunch and had a very nice time, turns out he owns several properties in the Newport and Huntington Beach area. ... He says he has several collector cars we might like to see. They are all exotics so I can't wait to see them.

Great story, and I know that it's always better to look forward now, but somehow the thought might be; "dang, I shoulda countered with $45k" Oh well ... update us again after Labor Day ... like to know what the guy has his stable to keep your Kat company

idiveI always dress down when buying a vehicle and it does work. When I walk in, nobody comes up to me for about 15 minutes or so. Then one of the sr. salesmen pushes the newbie over my way. When I bought my van, he was thinking he could make his money from the finance charges and kept pushing to talk about financing. I told him there's nothing to finance unless we strike a deal. After we made the deal, he eagerly said ok, now lets talk financing thru us. I then told him I was paying cash. He told me I was unamerican. When I went to pay for it, they decided to up the price $900. I gave them a check for what we agreed on and drove off as he called security on me. They threatened me with grand theft auto, but thats another story.
mikeeAlmost same thing happened to me. Went to a local eatery in town and the owner saw my kat. He put a highter ($) value on owning it then I did - so I sold it to him. Got a great price but...I knew at once I had made a mistake. Called him months later to see if he wanted to sell it and he had totaled it.
HawaiianIf you know Newport Beach, you know nobody dresses up in Balboa,(Aka Zooport Beach ,made infamously as a party town by Denis Rodman and Spring Breakers) Balboa peninsula is home to a more affluent young crowd with very deep pockets, don't let their flip flops and T shirts fool ya.

Congrats on the sale of your car !!

CJWow, Steve!! Hate to hear you gave up the Candy, but hope that you get another at some point. Was looking forward to meeting you.

As others have said.......once you are a member of the Prowler family, you always are! Stay on the board and keep in touch!!

Originally posted by frank rose:
I sold my black 2000 cat a few years back and as I watched it being loaded on the flat bed and slowly going down the road I knew immediately I had made a mistake. As a guy that builds vetts I have had and have some sharp rides, but nothing prepares you for owning a prowler, its a life style, and once you have experienced it its very difficult to go back.

Just purchased a 2001 blue cat with 500 miles a few months ago, and now the world is right....

Frank, did you buy it in Somerset KY?

Steve, time goes on and so do the cars, check in you have made some good post in the past, just because you no longer own the cat doesn't mean you don't have it in your heart

This message has been edited by WildCat on 08-23-2011 at 08:45 PM

padrooIf I were to buy another Prowler Candy would be at the top of my list. I just saw my first one at Woodward and it was CJ's, WOW!
ed monahanSteve, how many miles did you have on the Candy?
DIXIE CatNever judge a book by its' cover.

Congrats on the sale!!

nitrosteveThe Kat had 8844 mikes on it when we sold it. The trailer was originally orange, Jerry Sievers at Paint n Place painted it for my brother. It was his car originally he bought it new. I bought it a little less than 2 years ago. I only paid 27k for it. My brother had an orange Kat as well and that car had the trailer. He just tired of both cars and sold them both, he sold the orange car first without the trailer so that is why the trailer was painted orange. The hardtop was orange as well and it was painted Kandy when the trailer was painted. I will miss having a Kat we have had one since 99 when we bought the purple car. I don't know what I will be buying to replace the Kat but I am looking around now. We still have the 2008 SRT8 Super Bee, and the 2011 Mustang GTCS, and I bought a Hertz Shelby about 4 months ago from Chino Hills Ford and a couple other daily drivers so we have enough cars. Did I say that, I can't believe I said I have enough cars, I take that back. I would love to buy a newer Bentley my wife loves them and so do I. I found a couple locally but it looks like it will take about 150-175k to get one. We may take the money we got out of the Kat and sell the Shelby and pay the difference, you only live once. My neighbor has a Dodge Daytona with the huge wing but he is looking to get 128k, I love it but I just don't love it that much. It seems to be a money pit for him and I don't need that.

I know what you are talking about with the Newport crowd, I started my UPS career as a package car driver on the Balboa Peninsula, spent 10 happy years there and we still have many friends there that we visit regularly.

Yesterday I actually discussed the fact that I thought Jerry was a beach bum and we had a good laugh about it. He has a great sense of humor he asked if I thought that post dated check he gave me made him a paper hanger. I told him about the site and he said he would take a look.

Again we will miss you all, the Prowler and the people on this site are phonominal and we will never forget you. We will check in occasionally.

I think I will keep my collectibles, I actually have about 2000 pieces and I am very fond of them. If I ever decide to sell them I will let you know here before I offer them elsewhere.

We were planning on attending the Prowler event in Vegas next year, an old drag racing friend of ours is the night Manager of the Mirage so we have our room booked there for the week. Now that we have sold the Kat we may rethink it but who knows we may go anyhow, we go twice a year in April and October for the drag races so that is close to May so maybe not. It would be very cool to put a face with the names.

Take care everyone and God Bless!

Tennessee CatHaving lived in So California for 52 years and Newport for 14 of those, this story does not surprise me a bit. That is part of the wonderful allure of the place.
I have sat next to John Wayne, Peter Fonda and any number of celebrities and you would never know they were rich or famous.
There are way too many stories to share here but it is a crazy and wonderful [and expensive] place to live. I loved it while it lasted.
Now I enjoy all of the beauty of Tennessee and can hob-nob with ultra-rich farmers in overalls. LOL
jimsuttonBert you forgot the to you were sitting next to in key west - Poor boys Jim and Ray
Tennessee CatAhh yes, my hard years in Calif must have softened my brain. What was I thinking!
Much apologies to all of the Florida Rich Dudes in Prowler clothing who dwell among us mere mortals. LMAO :-)

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