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Topic:SoCal November Prowler Event
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Ken & Roslin Romain You don't want to miss this event...
Bring your cameras
We have talked in the past about a weekend trip to the Wig Wam Motel in Rialto CA. (Off the 10 fwy in San Bernadino).
This is an old historic motel on the old Route 66.
The Date will be November 12-14.
We have arranged this so you can participate the whole weekend, Saturday, Sunday, or any combination you want.
Here are a couple of emails from Vass & Janet, who have done a GREAT job of organizing this weekend.

Hello everyone,

I have cut a deal with the owner of the Wigwam, in exchange for booking all 11 teepees on the grassy area (the most desirable) the rate is dropped from $88.00 per night to $70.00 for Friday & Saturday nights, November 12-14. All of these tee pees have 1 queen bed, refrigerator, and TV. Just call (909) 875-3005 and book your room number of choice based on the following:

Smoking rooms -- 101, 102, 103, 104, 105.
Non smoking -- 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, Janet and I have booked #106 already
If we need more than these 11 rooms there 8 more non-smoking rooms across the parking area. Numbers 113 to 117 have 1 queen bed, numbers 118 to 120 have 2 queen beds.
Please book your room as soon as possible to show or good faith intent, and yes Zoe puppy is welcome to come also.
Vass & Janet

10AM Saturday meet at the historic Santa Fe train depot near the Wigwam. This big beautiful depot houses a museum and was used in the recent film "Changeling" with Angelina Jolie.
After the train depot, we will stop at Juan Pollo restaurant for lunch. They have a large private back room that seats well over 30 people. They normally charge to use this room but the manager is giving it to our club for free. The menu is diverse and inexpensive,.The restaurant has a large collection of old coin operated rides.
After lunch, time permitting, we might take an 1/2 hr. cruise up to Arrowhead. Then back to the Wigwam and then go foraging for food, booze, charcoal, and cigars for Vince. Relax and enjoy the historic 1948 motel and use the pool and have a BBQ.
Sunday morning: Find some coffee and be sure to get a photo of all the cars next to the tee pees. Eventually go to breakfast at IHOP only about 10 minutes away.
After IHOP: only 15 minutes away is a 7 mile stretch of original route 66 roadway in the Cajon Pass. Photo of all the cars along a decorative rock wall built in the 1930's. Cruise 66 and see some old remnants, and head for home or other suggestions.
Vass & Jane

Hello again everyone,
Today I spoke with Mr. Allan Bone the director of the museum in the train depot. He loves Prowlers and would be glad to have us visit, and at his suggestion he is willing to rope-off however many parking spaces we need due to another event that day at the depot.
I also spoke with Mr. Nick Cateldo with the historical society whom I first contacted last spring. He was to find out who owns the old A-frame cafe and the big "EAT" sign, the old general store, and the historic Gem Ranch all of which are present on the old stretch of route 66. He put me in touch with the owner Mr. Gary Bayless who was kind enough to speak with me about the history of these places.
Mr. Bayless said that as a young man he used to dine at the cafe which also had a mechanic's garage next door. (not unusual back then) Decades later he bought the property and converted the cafe into to his private cabin, and converted the garage into the general store with the intent of a trailer park which was sadly never completed.
Mr. Bayless is well aware of the Prowler and owns 2 classic cars himself. He told me now that he is 80 he doesn't get out much anymore, but we are welcome to a photo shoot of course. He said he will tell his daughter who lives in the general store that if she is home that day and we honk our horn to go ahead and let us in. Cool huh?
Back to Mr. Cateldo, he also loves Prowlers and asked if he could do the old 66 road with us. I said of course and if he comes by the Wigwam for the BBQ we would give him a hamburger or something. Speaking of which, Janet and I will bring our trailer with a large ice chest, folding table, some chairs, paper plates, cups, etc, etc.

Film at 11:00
Vass & Janet

You can see the Motel at www.wigwammotel.com.
If you have questions about the Motel, or to make your reservation, you can contact Kumar @909-875-3995
Ken Romain
714-293-2266 www.socalprowlers.com

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