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Topic:Smoky Mtn thank you
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanI sure hope I don't forget anyone.
A huge thanks to all that helped, and that is a whole bunch of people.
Thanks to Mike & Judy K. for the DVDs, T-shirts, and windshield banners and thanks for hosting the best darn site on the internet, bar none.
Thanks to Quincy, which is Lou and his wife Sharon Oniga for making the spread sheet for me.
Thanks to Enzo and to Mike and Karen Gatlin for photographing the event for posterity. You guys did a lot of work and I am anxious to see the results. Mike and Karen I again apologize for leaving you behind on the Tail of the Dragon due to miscommunications.
Thanks a TON to Tammy Knepper for manning the welcome desk and doing a lot of work on the goodie bags and for letting Gary (MD Prowler) come along and help out, too. I really appreciate you guys and you know I hold the ECP dear to my heart. Thanks to MeanGene for getting a lot of the stuff for the goody bags and to all of the others that contributed items.
Thanks to WildBill for the fabulous decals and dash plaques and the wonderful design/logo. Shirts will be getting ordered with that logo on the front of them.
Thanks to Rich Ware for designing the Tail of the Dragon logo that was used on the badges and on the pins. That design will go on the back of the shirts. Excellent work, as usual.
Thanks to Gordon Karns for taking on the pin detail. He did a magnificent job at the last minute and got us all a very cool pin. He paid for them out of his own pocket and spent about $ 500.
Thanks to Brad for the name badges and for sending them Overnight express. He contributed all his time and effort and the postage to ship them.
Thanks to Tom and Linda Miles who helped set up the dinner/party and did most of the work on the door prizes and raffle tickets. That helped a bunch.
Thanks to Dick Linneman and Larry Bedinghaus who also helped with the set up and the tickets and helped with the sound system. Dick also hauled some stuff down and back for me since I ran out of room.
Thanks to all the vendors who showed up and made their great products available to the masses so they could save shipping expense and get some of them installed free at the event.
Thanks to Jim Kenney who brought a bunch of posters that were very heavy material and were for displays in showrooms and for a bunch of knit Mopar hats and backpacks.
Thanks to Mac for contributing some of his winnings back to the effort.
Thanks to Jim (TopKat) for bringing Halloween decorations.
Thanks to Bruce and Carol Simon for bringing the inflatible decorations for the party.
Thanks to Lyann, Mrs ex-TinMan for helping at registration while we ate a combination breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Thanks to Pat Caughhorn for the flashlight/lethal weapon.
Thanks to Harold Schutz for coming up to me and telling me that he belonged to several car clubs but this one was different. NO ONE complained about anything at this event and every other event he had ever attended that is all they did the entire time. That made my day and that is a tribute to all the great folks who were there.
Thanks to Grand Touring Louise for goading me into having an event at the Smoky Mtns since she missed the one in 2003 and she kept hearing how great it was and she sure wished someone would have another one. The last day at the pool she was attempting to get me to have another one there next year, also.
Thanks to everyone who helped herd folks on the drives. Steve Clark, Laddie and a few others that sat at interesections to make sure everyone made the correct turns. I don't remember who all did that everyday since I was lost in my own thoughts a lot of the time.
The last and the most thanks goes to Laddie who came up with a lot of the ideas of what to do and then contacted The Biltmore, Ober Gatlinburg and the train folks and set it all up. Without him it would not have turned out nearly as well as it did. He did a LOT of work.
I want to thank everyone who showed up and were patient when things did not go exactly as planned. There were some glitches but not one got upset and everyone stayed cool, calm and collected. That is what made it fun for me. I wasn't stressed out after we got the group picture finished, that was the most screwed up due to the weather.
Hopefully Enzo will be able to make us all look good.
Thanks again and I hope I didn't leave anyone out other than Sandy.
Without her nothing would have been accomplished. I am totally unorganized and she totally took care of the costumes, my hair, my make up, my fake boobs,my pedicure etc. lol
She is without a doubt the most patient person in the world and deserves better than me. She pays really close attention to detail and picks up the pieces that I miss entirely.
If I forgot anyone, I apologize.
Thanks again to all that attended. Even I had fun.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 10-11-2009 at 01:39 AM

MIKE GATLINEd, there will be talk about Prowlin the Smokies 09 for years to come. We were not ready to go home.
Our great thanks to you and Sandy and all those you mentioned for a great event.
galaxieHey Ed, I hope you grow the beard back. You make an ugly blond.LOL
DON WIEBERwish we could have stayed longer. thanks for all the planning and work. i had a good time. ed you did great.
Kat DaddyA huge THANK YOU to Ed and all the others listed above. This event was fantastic, very well planned and one to remember! The only problem we saw was that the week went by too quickly, we could have stayed much longer.

It was great to see some of our old friends again and to make many new ones. Prowler owners are the best!

JeraneWHow you remember and retain all this information is beyond belief. We sure had a great time and thanks to all those who participated. It was overwhelming.
enzvoyEd , no thanks needed it was all my pleasure taking the pictures was fun ,hopefully everybody likes them the Lab is going thru them now . I'm having the picture from the Biltmore with the cars and owners made into poster size just to see how good it is, also the group shot on the mountain side I'm getting it blown up to 11x14 . I took about 700-800 pictures so we are going thru them to see what we can put on DVD. I will let everyone know the cost probably by tomorrow.
Loni and I had a great time ,definetly would go back to see more of Tennessee.
Thanks for putting this together and to all that helped out.
Enzo and Loni

This message has been edited by enzvoy on 10-11-2009 at 03:02 PM

quincyThank you to everyone for making this event a wonderful and unforgettable vacation!

Lou and Sharon

Top KatThis was an awesome event. Probably the most memorable...due to the Halloween Costume Party, but every part of every day was totally fun !!!! Thanks to all who put it together, set up events, trips, and thanks to all who came.......You guys are the best part of every event...(our big family). Seeing everyone is what I look forward to most each year at each event. I am very blessed to know all of you.
Ditto to all the thanks you mentioned but a big THANK YOU for all you did to make this a really memorable event. The first Smokey Mountain Prowler event was great...as a result a number of us went back the following year and had a good time. This was the best yet and I for one would go back again. "Thanks for the memories"
Bob and Carol
ed monahanThanks for all the kind words but it really was all you folks who made it so much fun. I was somewhat stressed out about it before hand but relaxed a whole bunch after the first couple of days.
The scenery going up to breakfast was phenomenal. That was the best sunrise I have seen in many years. (possibly the ONLY one, too). The scenery on the back road to The Biltmore was also outstanding.
Thanks again to all that helped and to all that showed up.
BeWareLike everyone else we had a blast. The week went way too fast. The event had right amount of planned activity and free time. The Halloween party was a hoot. What a way to top off the week.
Sunshine Thank you all for such a wonderful and well planned event we all had such a awesome time. After its all over it actually (boggles) my mind the time everyone put into making this event so successful. I really missed all of our TEXAS group. I was so exhausted traveling back home, it took us 3 days to do so. Then running upon LSU fans along the way home didn't make it any easier!! LOL
jpconceptThank you Thank you Thank you, what else can you said to all the persons that put that event together. We had a Great time.
Grand Touring LouiseMany thanks Ed, Laddie and friends for organizing this most memorable event. Everything was just perfect!!!! Richard and I did not want to leave. Too many things still left to see and do, and do again like the Zipline. Sure glad we had Sandy, Holly and Brian with us, the very expert Zipliners who inspired the other 12 of us to just jump and let go. Wahoo! Austin the armadillo, had a good plane ride home. He is looking forward to Deep Creek Lake next June. Merci encore Ed et aurevoir. Grand Touring Louise and Richard

This message has been edited by Grand Touring Louise on 10-16-2009 at 07:41 PM

KenGEd....many thanks to you and everyone who planned this fantastic event. Terri and I had a great time. She even drove the Tail of the Dragon back from Deal's Gap. Scratch one off the bucket list! Like everyone else...we hated to leave. Thanks again from both of us.

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