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Topic:Smokies Group Photo
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Laddie RousselHere's Johnpaul Harris and a shot of the digital pic he had at dinner Thursday night for us to review. He said the final pic should be better than this digital. Well, the digital is outstanding & Awesome... Johnpaul said the pic would be 10" by 52" or so...

This would make a nice Christmas or B-Day present for someone...

You can still order these for $40 (includes shipping) until Sep. 13th (that's when he goes to print). There's a $10 service charge for orders received after the 13th...

Make checks payable to Johnpaul Harris and Send To:

Johnpaul Harris
3285 Whale Tail Rd.
Asheboro, NC 27205

email: Ginger Harris at elvisharris@rtmc.net

I need to thank all the volunteers who sweated in the heat marking over 100 slots where the Kats had to be parked precisely for the photo shoot... We marked 100+ spots and had 93 Prowlers in the shot... Thanks again to all the volunteers who helped setup for the Smokies Group Picture... This is a must have item...


This message has been edited by Laddie Roussel on 09-01-2003 at 09:44 PM

Wayne FinchShould be an awesome shot - I ordered mine while I was there.

Laddie, do you have JohnPaul's email address - I wanted to check on getting another one in a different size for a momento project Stephen is doing. Thanks

Laddie RousselWayne.

Ginger Harris at elvisharris@rtmc.net

Good luck with the project...

Also, just noticed the price goes up $10 for orders received after the 13th...

Wayne FinchThanks Laddie.
DR PROWLERLaddie,how many times did we try to measure that second row?
Picture turned out awesome!
SuperKatThat was some day. I think the second row was started at least three times. The photo should be awsome and worth the effort. I liked his early work but the prowlers surpassed all expectations. We just cannot wait for it to arrive!!! Also thanks to all the prowler drivers for the cooperation; we had to hit the mark each and every time.

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