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Topic:Small nose bra?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KareselHelp, I had a Prowler behind me yesterday in Elk Grove, California I believe it was a Prowler Red color and he had what appeared to be a small black bra or something on the lower portion of the nose. I don't believe it was a paint but it appears to be something added on. Does anyone have an idea of what it may have been and were one can find one? Thanks...
kjbrooksMaybe he had something to hide

Orange PeelerOUCH !!!!!!!!
Originally posted by kjbrooks:
Maybe he had something to hide

With all due respect.... that's my photo and I do not appreciate it being used without permission, nor that you insinuate that I am/was trying to HIDE anything.

That picture was taken when my car was for sale, for the sake of FULL DISCLOSURE to the current owner, who, BTW, is perfectly happy with the car.

You think I was glad when that happened???

I hope I'm around when you curb yours...

This message has been edited by jmcant1 on 12-12-2005 at 05:17 PM

burglarmanIs that guy for real? Lighten up. You could end up with coal in your stocking.
Kevin A
Originally posted by jmcant1:
With all due respect.... that's my photo and I [B]do not appreciate it being used without permission, nor that you insinuate that I am/was trying to HIDE anything.

I don't think anyone mentioned you, your car, or that you were trying to hide anything.
Geeez lighten up, it Christmas.

MDProwlerI believe if it was posted here originally no permission is needed. However I believe when he said "something to hide" he was referring to the scratches as an eyesore and not as something unethical. At least thats how I took it.
RED5On the other hand.....who really cares.
TooHipCatWOW...a tough crowd here.

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Bcoffman Gray Ghost
Originally posted by TooHipCat:
WOW...a tough crowd here.

Don't you know that if you are a Christian, you are right. And anyone else that doesn't agree with your beliefs is wrong. JMO

Originally posted by Bcoffman Gray Ghost:
Don't you know that if you are a Christian, you are right. And anyone else that doesn't agree with your beliefs is wrong. JMO

I guess I am so unlike the stereotyped Christian.

I feel that there is no right or wrong faith...as long as you believe!!! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.



This message has been edited by ransom1945 on 12-17-2005 at 07:40 PM

TooHipCat I miss those guys. All they have now is the crappy totally violent cartoons.

Originally posted by Karesel:
Help, I had a Prowler behind me yesterday in Elk Grove, California I believe it was a Prowler Red color and he had what appeared to be a small black bra or something on the lower portion of the nose. I don't believe it was a paint but it appears to be something added on. Does anyone have an idea of what it may have been and were one can find one? Thanks...

Maybe the guy you saw had the scraped portion taped off and sprayed with the stuff that looks like undercoating, but not gooky. Someone had posted a pic of that on the board. Didn't look too bad.

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