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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Shut it Down
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATYeah,,when a snowball rolls downhill, it gets BIGGER!

The pres was elected to defend our porous border against illegal aliens and some of their criminal element, so he is telling the hypocrite Dummycrats

StingRayNot to mention, in the Oval Office meeting with chuckles and pukelosi he said he would shoulder the responsibility - so what's you point?

NOW, however, it IS chuckles saying "we don't care about Americans and NEED our illegal voter base" so .... "Abandon your wall idea"

Pretty sad the democrats all feel that way - you feel that way too Reecheeee

cstallFinger pointing aside, this should serve as a reminder to everyone - Repub and Dem - how meaningless these shutdowns have become. Has anyone's life been seriously impacted? Are you cold, hungry, deprived of vital services - police, fire, medical?
All those furloughed govt employees who were deemed "non-essential" are just Big Govt Bloat that we can all do without.
Joe02Agreed!!! Just another "vacation" being paid for by hard working taxpayers!!. If any "company" was run like this "circus" it would have been out of business a long time ago!
Originally posted by cstall:
Finger pointing aside, this should serve as a reminder to everyone - Repub and Dem - how meaningless these shutdowns have become. Has anyone's life been seriously impacted? Are you cold, hungry, deprived of vital services - police, fire, medical?
All those furloughed govt employees who were deemed "non-essential" are just Big Govt Bloat that we can all do without.

Hoagie1Totally agree! This shut down/ferlow days are a waste of time and tax payers money.

lol...his face says it all in the picture Reechee posted...lol.


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