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Topic:Seat Covers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GETRAMDAnyone have any feedback on these covers? Chrysler / Plymouth Prowler (1997-2002) Custom Seat Covers - Leatherette

I did a search and didn't even see these one's mentioned. Around $300 for the set, so they won't break the bank. Great look in my opinion.

Any insight would be great.

koolktyAnyone that has been on the POA for a while will tell you be wary of anything from the Prowler Store. Normally their stuff is overpriced, but in this case $300 seems too cheap. If your car will be outside often with the top down, you'll want good quality seats, and at that price I would question the quality.
BeWareLeatherette is not real leather. We had a chair and coach made of this crap and it falls apart quickly. $300 is too much for this crap. JMO.
Originally posted by koolkty:
Anyone that has been on the POA for a while will tell you be wary of anything from the Prowler Store. Normally their stuff is overpriced, but in this case $300 seems too cheap. If your car will be outside often with the top down, you'll want good quality seats, and at that price I would question the quality.

Yes. I'm learning that very quickly. Not quick enough though, as I've already purchased a few things from there. I was happy, but I am now feeling remorseful and I haven't even received the items yet. I finally realized my dream of buying a Prowler, but am also quickly realizing that I'm playing a rich man's game that I am most likely not worthy of playing.

This message has been edited by GETRAMD on 06-15-2020 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by BeWare:
Leatherette is not real leather. We had a chair and coach made of this crap and it falls apart quickly. $300 is too much for this crap. JMO.

It isn't real leather. Not even close. It's described as a heavy duty vinyl that can stand up to weather, wear and tear. Sounds like it might be junk.

koolktyDon't feel bad, I bought a few things from them too before I learned. Sometimes they sell things no one else has so you may not have any choice, but if you comparison shop you'll get a better idea of what else is out there.
ZuluProwlerGETRAMD, you are NOT out of your depth here. A standard Prowler is a car anyone can own and maintain. You DON'T need to get drawn into expensive cosmetic upgrades and farkles that cost a bomb. The car is a worthwhile rod from the very start and many repairs can be made very economically. Prowler Store bling and accessories are not necessary to enjoy a nice car and I'm going down the road of a stock standard car that will be perfect in every aspect rather than all the expensive attributes. Enjoy the driving experience and forget all the expensive add-ons!
Dave Haggas
Originally posted by ZuluProwler:
GETRAMD, you are NOT out of your depth here. A standard Prowler is a car anyone can own and maintain. You DON'T need to get drawn into expensive cosmetic upgrades and farkles that cost a bomb. The car is a worthwhile rod from the very start and many repairs can be made very economically. Prowler Store bling and accessories are not necessary to enjoy a nice car and I'm going down the road of a stock standard car that will be perfect in every aspect rather than all the expensive attributes. Enjoy the driving experience and forget all the expensive add-ons!

Well put Zulu.
G, your car is unique in itself and doesn’t need extras, no game to play. Best part of Prowler ownership is two fold.
1) Knowing you own a car that most folk, even non “car’ folk, don’t understand, but enjoy it when the see it.
2) Enjoying the car through this site really is part of the Prowler experience.
Don’t underestimate the real friends that may be here for you.

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