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Topic:Scottsdale az
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
2000CatI would love to visit the Barnett Jackson car action. Would that be a good location for a POA event sometime in the future. What do you think??

Come down to Arizona in January (with $$) and take in the B-J auction. Hopefully,,,it will not rain, but no guarantees in January.

That spectacle would not make a good event venue.
Hotels raise their rates during this time,,,,parking at the B-J event can be awful,,,,,traffic jams,,,,attending the auction days can be quite expensive also.

Steve ConleyY2K, AC is right. I drive up from Tucson very early, go to parking through the rear and leave early. What a show, what a mess of traffic. Nice show, Come see it, during the week (early).
Michael TDon't forget Barrett Jackson is in Las Vegas Oct 8-10th. Not to alarm any of the natives, but the rumor has is it that it may eventually take over the Arizona event.

Michael T.
Live like you were dying !

ALLEY CATMichael,,,

That statement is most likely true,,,,,,LV will get the Scottsdale auction.

There is a reason though,,,,B-J wants the City of Scottsdale to build up and improve West World (where the auction is held),,,,and of course throw in tons of tax benefits to B-J. Scottsdale doesn't want to lose it,,,but not willing to hand over the keys to the city either. Its been coming down to push and shove,,,and the Scottsdale city council told them to go, before it will spend multi millions to keep it there.

That puts B-J in a dilemma,,,,,because while LV has similar summer temps as the Phx area,,your January month is much colder, with lots of rain.

I doubt any tears will be shed if B-J leaves,,,,,Scottsdale has plenty of winter resorts and golf courses.

ed monahanI just got an email from Roger with an article about Kruse Auctions not paying the consignors. In other words, guys are selling their classic muscle cars and not getting paid.
Kruse runs the Auburn, IN auction coming up in a few weeks.
How do you lose money when you are collecting from both the seller and the buyer ? I guess VOLUME, VOLUME, VOLUME.
ALLEY CATEd,,,,when you see Top Cat at the Smokies event,,ask him about his Scottsdale ordeal a few years back. Similar situation with him selling one of his classic cars. He later contacted me looking for a lawyer to help him out,,,but I don't remember the final outcome.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 08-09-2009 at 09:46 PM

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