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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:Saw the Silver in town.....Missed Opportunity...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Black Tie 161So there I was driving to work yesterday, and I looked over and saw a silver Prowler parked at Blockbuster while the driver was returning tapes. I live in a SMALL town and always heard about a silver nearby, but never saw it. I thought for one second turning around and letting him know about me, this site, and events..... but didn't want to be late for work.

I was kicking myself all day, as it is so rare to pass another one, and this was obviously his daily driver.....I should have just been late for work!

It's that feeling that..."There is SO much about the Prowler that I bet he doesn't know!!" I almost had another recruit for this site....maybe I'll catch up to him soon.

I swear, there is no other car on the road that would make me think in this way!

Anyway....just had to vent that little bit of frustration.

(When I had my 98 Camaro, I joined the Eastern F-Body Association because the organizer left a note on my windshield one day!)

Oh well........Carry on.


CJThat's why I carry my POA flyer with me at all times. You never know when you're going to run into another Prowler. If there isn't anyone with the car, I leave it on the windshield or front seat if the top is down. That way they can find us!!
Randy CobbCJ:
The flyer is a great thought.
How do you get some?
Thanks as always!


CJRandy.......I made up my own with information about the club and it's activities and where to find us. I update it every so often to update the event schedule. Works pretty good!!

Black Tie 161That's a great idea CJ!

The problem is FINDING the prowlers to put the flyer on!

On the rare occasion when I met a Prowler owner who knew nothing about this site, I just thought..."There is SO much you have yet to learn about your car, and you have no idea the cool accessories you can get!" Sort of a smug attitude almost.

How have you been??? I do close to the same as CJ with a business card I created with the POA name & web address as well as my phone number & email address... MeneGene must have handed out 30 of them at Carlisle alone Both of us combined, 80 total that weekend. In fact one of the owners we met there actually met up with us at ProwLancaster & we picked up another owner in Lancaster who was driving by & joined us for a cruise...

Maybe drop by that Blockbuster & ask a few of the employees if they know who the owner is & leave them contact information to pass on... Or just rent a DVD very night

CJ - Glad I finally got to see your flyer! Really looks nice & has great information on it... Nice Job!


CapitalCatI can top that, BT161. I was detailing my Silver at the curb out at Haines Point in the District a couple months ago. I happen to look up and a Silver drives by me on my side of the road and the guy waves at me. Doesn't stop! (There's no traffic on this road either.) I'm waving at him in his rearview but he doesn't stop. Oh well, whatcha gonna do. He's most likely missing out on the POA fun.
Todd Cameronsaw a new Silver on the road on Colorado Blvd. the day of the Pasadena Rose Parade (was trying to get together with George Carter but missed him). We pulled up next to him in the black, honked and waved... he didn't even look over... kinda waved and drove off. Some Prowler owners just don't get it.

2000 Black, 2001 Black Tie, 2001 Orange, 2001 Silver, 2001 Muholland

CJI always attach my Prowler business card with the flyer, which also includes the web address. I also have the Prowleronline.com windshield banner on both of my cats and have been tracked down by other owners because of it. It works!!
Black Tie 161On the other hand...when I met a guy at the drive-in who had a black Prowler, we were trying to tell him about so many things he should know about the car, and this website. Then he was telling me about all the major operations he had (IE: bone marrow transplant, heart attacks, etc> ) and I realized later that he really could care less about the Prowler quirks that we all love and have to acknowledge....he was just going day by day and trying to enjoy life above ground. Sometimes, I guess there is a reason some owners don't care about the websites, forums, events, other owners, etc.....sometimes they have bigger worries.
Racer XI met a guy with a red 99' the other day. While he was cool, he really didnt seem to get it either. I told him about this site (of coarse) and the next thing he said was I only use my computer for business. Then he told me of the new 03' Prowler with the Hemi V-8....Oh well... I have my POA rear plate frame on at all times.. so I would think that someone somewhere has read it and come on here.

****Formerly C5 Frank****
01' Plymouth Prowler(Cool,Cool,Cool)

94' Mustang Cobra(Power Trip)
Supercharger, Heads, Cam ect.
484rwhp SAE

00' Trans Am WS6 Ram Air(Her car)
Blk on BLk...One mean looking car.

02' Excursion 4x2 Diesel(Our Beast!)
All Black... no chrome!

Black Tie 161"'03 Prowler with a hemi V-8" funny stuff.....
cmblockhusThere are those who are and there are those who arnt
sometimes its hard to tell one from the other.

For the most part most Prowler owners love the Cats and have a great time on POA

And all the while we do what we can to help the ones who arnt


"The destnation dont matter, its the journey that counts"
2001 Orange cat

TGF grill
Real Rod aero covers
TGF door inserts
TGF- hard top
new orange trailer in transit
dust free pads,2" spot mirror custom dash cover
7808 happy miles, gonna change fast, updated almost dailey,

Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
On the other hand...when I met a guy at the drive-in who had a black Prowler, we were trying to tell him about so many things he should know about the car, and this website. Then he was telling me about all the major operations he had (IE: bone marrow transplant, heart attacks, etc> ) and I realized later that he really could care less about the Prowler quirks that we all love and have to acknowledge....he was just going day by day and trying to enjoy life above ground. Sometimes, I guess there is a reason some owners don't care about the websites, forums, events, other owners, etc.....sometimes they have bigger worries.

BT, Just cause someone has the car, doesn't mean they want to join the site or any club. I've had several Porsches, Ferrari's, and several other odd cars and have never joined any of the clubs or sites.

To some, it is just a car (yeah, perhaps they don't get it. perhaps they don't care to)
Others don't care to do any mods to it (or any of their other cars)
Others may not have a computer
Others may not care to sit around and chat about their car

I can tell you one story that could have ended tragically for one guy. Back in the mid 80's my wife wanted a new popular little car. When she got it, people with other ones would beep and wave at her. She thought that was fun. One day she called me on her cell phone and said this guy was following her beeping, flashing his lights, and trying to get her to pull over. She paniced. I paniced. I told her to hang up and call the police and head for one of their stations. I jumped in my car and raced to her location. The police intercepted them before I did (thank goodness) and pulled them over. Turns out the moron wanted to tell her about the local chapter of the "Suzuki Samari" club. (he wasn't driving his samari at the time).

Nowadays, with concealed handguns and such, guys like that might get popped for doing something so stupid before the police ever get there.

Black Tie 161I fully understand YF.....I know a lot of girls who do not look at other drivers to avoid eye contact since there ARE psychos out there.....One bit of eye contact, and they get followed by creeps.

Just a few weeks ago I saw a car up ahead with 2 tires dangerously low, I got alongside at the light and honked to get -what happened to be a blond woman- her attention and just yell out the window that her tires were almost flat. She would not look over for anything, and I figured..."Oh well, your loss. You are going to find out about your tires the hard way then!"

The guy who put the Camaro club flyer on my old car turned into a good friend of mine, and I even got his fiance hired with our company. You never know about future friends, huh?

KalaThe best meeting I had was in early December at the border crossing in Tijuana.

We had been in Tecate for a week then went over to Rosarito Beach for 1 night (having been at a vegetarian ranch, I had to have some lobster and drawn butter). We drove our PT Cruiser there, because I wasnt sure about taking the Kat over the border.

Just as we were nearing the border, Dai says a Prowler just let me in this lane... I said something like No Waaayyy. Then a black passed us. I couldn't believe someone took their Prowler to Baja. I had to get out and see who did that!
If you've never been to that crossing there are lots of people selling stuff in the lanes. Most will stop at your car and want you to buy their things...

So I jump out of the car and run up and knock at the car window. They wouldn't even look at me! hahaha. It wasn't until I yelled several times "I have a Prowler too!" That they looked and then rolled down the window. The plates were from Oregon. They said they had no trouble having the car down there. Just parked it out in front of the hotel. I was so shocked. They said they knew about the site, and that was about it...

Funny thing was the locals didn't even try to sell me anything from then on... They must have thought I was nuts for getting in their lane

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