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Topic:Sassy Side panels....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE...I was thinking about them a few days ago....I know she had some made for herself, but were there any others made to sell, or just the one set....I remember they were priced at $5500. per pair I believe....just curious, did anyone else ever buy them....
onecatnodogWhat do they look like... Picture Please... onecatnodog
Gary CI don't think a set was ever sold. Maybe one set was made.
ed monahanI am fairly sure that Butchcee bought a set. I remember there was a big brouhaha about the side panels that were going to be made and were they copies of hers.
I will do a search and see what I can find. I will also email Butchcee and ask him.
ed monahanAccording to this thread, Bob Halloran bought a set for the Blue Tie that Frank now owns. I know he had the side panels before Don "Northern Cat" made the Dragon panels.

About 1/4 down the second page is Bob Halloran's post. http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/006315-2.html

tangled up in BLUEThanx Ed.....

...interesting.....lots of people ordered, but only one set has ever turned up......I didn't remember the details except they were pretty expensive.......I was just curious what ever happened to them or if anyone even remembered them besides me

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 10-28-2007 at 06:48 AM

Northern CatI believe 3 sets were made...one set are on Frank Peri's Blue Tie, one set on Sassy's kat and the other set is out there somewhere...maybe Frank will post to this thread,,,these panels were made from the OEM panels, not Fiberglas, Hence the cost...the idea for the Dragon panels came from seeing Franks
prowler, when he brought it up from Florida....

I really loved the look on these panels and even tried to contact Sassy to see if any were available...nope

I asked Frank if I could produce a panel that had the same look...and he said OK, but don't make them the same as his
and if you look the the two panels side by side, you will be the difference..that's easy to do...we are all ways
out cruising together...he was my Best Man. at my wedding
this spring

Hope that answers some of your questions...maybe Frank knows more

P.S. I have the OEM panels (that the molds were made from) for sale if anyone is interested

All ways good to know facts and history

Interesting read on that other site about my panels, everyone should read it ("New side panel mod idea")...
thanks PePe and Jimmy, there so much Prowler knowledge over there,lol

Tangled, maybe you can put a link to yours and jimmy's post over there to this post...


This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 10-28-2007 at 08:36 AM

Blue TieHere is a picture of the Blue Tie with the Sassy panels. I believe three were made but have not seen the other two.

Close up of the Sassy panel.

This message has been edited by Blue Tie on 10-28-2007 at 07:49 AM

ed monahanI thought Butchcee bought a set but he had louvres. I thought someone else was going to do a set similar to what Don was making, while Don was still in the process. I don't want to dig up old painful threads and I can't remember off the top of my head.
Northern Catyep Ed...the good old days...lol
jmcant1What ever happened to Sassy? I thought she was a hoot!
Northern CatShe passed away....3 or 4 years ago
Randy CobbAfter she passed away, I think her son posted here and sold some parts.?.
jmcant1I remember her son posting a time or two. Sorry to hear she is gone...

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