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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:SOLD FOR $20,500 ON 2/17/20
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reechee http://bringatrailer.com/listing/1999-plymouth-prowler-18/
Hoagie1Ouch! Way too low.
Why does everyone feel that they need to give their cars away?
JUAN MOTIEIf they need the money they sell low. I bought several Prowlers that way. I knew what they were worth.
Originally posted by Hoagie1:
Ouch! Way too low.
Why does everyone feel that they need to give their cars away?

fvee25I paid 18K for mine 2 years ago. The owner
lost his job and needed the cash. I really
lucked out.
1st ProwlerIt was an "auction" he took a chance, it could have gone for more or less!...........
alrtgSometimes people will let their vehicles go for almost any amount they are offered because they simply want to let go of it.

Getting top dollar for something can take more time and effort than a person is willing to go through or put up with

When my Dad sold his Black Tie and matching Trailer a few years ago, he posted a reasonable asking price then accepted the first offer. Yes he might have been able to squeeze a few more dollars out of the car if he made an effort or waited but he was in a frame of mind that he needed to let it go.

I have sold or traded vehicles where the other person got the better end of the deal too, but it was a choice I was able to live with.

TucsonJerAndria, you are spot on and I agree with you totally. When I sold mine I just wanted to get it done. I started missing it the very next day. I know for sure I’ll have another one eventually but it was something I just needed to do for right now. Jer
camarochevy1970So we were the buyers of this one, for my father in law. We also were surprised what it went for, however the car isn't perfect. It needs some cosmetic things (polish, interior detail) and a good maintenance, tune up etc. But we have already started on that.

It has one annoying issue, when it is cold, when you start to hit the gas off idle, there is a weird vibration noise, and it hesitates. Give it more gas and it is fine. Once the car warms up, this seems to pretty much go away. So I have a little more work to do in figuring that out.

401KATNoise is usually the decoupler on the alternator...best way to determine is remove belt on that side and see if it goes away...An easy fix if it is...jim

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