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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:SADDAM gets Death Sentence
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MDProwlerGo Figure
halicathe got off easy....

we need to bring back "burning at the stake"...

ALLEY CATBeing a compassionate liberal,,,,I was hoping for a life sentence in that hole in the ground where they found him

This is an outrage,,,,,,I tell ya,,,an outrage!

SnomanGOOD now shoot him!
GenoTexyou're up early! LOL
MDProwlerRumor now has it that Saddam will not be hanged as originally planned. Instead he will be exiled to another Bagdad and will be responsible for keeping the illegals from coming into the US. He vows to drive out all the deadwood from the southwest starting with local Prowler trash.

This message has been edited by MDProwler on 11-05-2006 at 07:55 AM

ALLEY CATMiller - hope so,,,,he can spend the weekends at Sheriff Joe's Tent City Jail. There,,,the guard dogs eat better than the inmates!

Dave MillsPersonally, I was hoping he would be drawn and quartered before he was hanged and then have his entrails burned.....
ScottyHow about the ultimate disgrace ... he is fed to the hogs.
mr.edHogs would't eat him!!!,taste like chicken,drop him out at 40,000 feet, let him think before impact!!!!
ETMIDZTI'd make sure they used a strong , long rope. Maybe his Head would just pop off!!
Originally posted by mr.ed:
Hogs would't eat him!!!,taste like chicken,drop him out at 40,000 feet, let him think before impact!!!!

Now there is the best idea so far! Thanks Mr. Ed....

God doesn't want him,,,,,and the Devil is afraid of him

Originally posted by MDProwler:
... Instead he will be exiled to another Bagdad ...

Hey -we've been to that "other" Bagdad - nice drive...
And BTW... the black car in the mirror belongs to Mr. AZ Prowler Trash himself!!

ed monahanLet me be the first to say I can't believe the Republicans rigged the outcome so that it was just 2 days before the elections. wow.
KlasKatI think it is wonderful that the Republicans can do such miracles as this. I'm sure they will rig the electronic voting machines to win the election too!!
KroooozerHe could also get one of his look alikes to take his place....there will also be conspiracy theories that he was never hanged.
ThunderI'm sure it will end up on the internet....probably live in that part of the world.
ed monahanWhich brings to mind the line from BLAZING SADDLES. I heard you were hung. You heard right. lol
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Which brings to mind the line from BLAZING SADDLES. I heard you were hung. You heard right. lol
To which Mel Brooks said, "THAT MAN IS A NIG!" (sorry, couldn't resist THAT line too)

cstallWasn't it Jack Starrett that said "The sherriff's a nig..." (not Mel Brooks)? The last syllable gets drowned out when the church bell rings ...

Originally posted by cstall:
Wasn't it Jack Starrett that said "The sherriff's a nig..." (not Mel Brooks)? The last syllable gets drowned out when the church bell rings ...
TWO different lines...one in the building with Mel's arm around the ahhhh, you know, actor. The other line was definitely on top of the building and the church bell did drown out the last syllable! Not the same line, yet very similar lines!


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