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Topic:Route 66 Prowler Run
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
lawndog7 Prowlers from the Colorado group along with 4 others (total of 11 cats) decided to leave the car show early on Saturday and do a Prowler Run down Route 66. We traveled from Tulsa almost to Oklahoma City. Here are a few pictures along the way.

Lawndog leading the pack!

Old section of Route 66- Chromer thought the bridge was coming down!

Another old section of Route 66

Putting the tops up just before the brief rain shower

Onecatnodog's better half taking pictures of all the cats.

lawndogLunch stop at Rock Cafe.

Cats all lined up at Rock Cafe

We all couldn't fit inside the resturant so we moved some picnic tables onto there patio

lawndogBest stop was lining all the cats up in front of an old service station!

lawndogRound barn stop

Gassing up for the trip back to Tulsa

What a GREAT day Prowlin Route 66!


Chromer > Why am I guessing these two pictures will be hanging in your office at work? Should be a raise coming soon, lol.

keesStunning pictures and must have been a great drive and super experience.
Thought about doing route 66 on a Harley but running down old 66 in my orange Prowler that's still in the US
doesn't sound to bad either. Will keep it in mind before
shipping it home after Woodward.

Thanks for sharing.




Jim SPerfect timing for a post on Route 66. If I remember correctly yesterday or today is the date Route 66 was officially declassified.

Great pictures, we will be hitting as much off 66 as we can on the way to Woodward.

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