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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Rep. Kevin McCarthy drops out of race for speaker of the house
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareMcCarthy withdraws from speaker race, vote postponed

Published October 08, 2015·




At this moment, Republican moderate Jeb Bush supporters.....Ted Cruz hardliner Tea Party supporters.....timid Marco Rubio supporters ....and TRUMP "Make America Great Again" supporters ,,, are meeting in a private hall to discuss the candidates nominated to fill the new U.S. House Speaker's job opening..
It appears that all is going well, and progress is being made:


Turn sound OFF .... lots of foul language!

silverkatMcCarthy is a dummy so I'm glad he bowed out. He's one of those useless RHINOS.
Originally posted by silverkat:
McCarthy is a dummy so I'm glad he bowed out. He's one of those useless RHINOS.

IF he is really a "Dummy", maybe he is an offspring of Charlie McCarthy?

Landscape DoctorMcCarthy is a Bonehead underling. The Tea Party is now seriously taking hold to take our country back from the abyss. They are going to put up Ryan who is another underling, not. Next election is going to bring huge changes needed.
bjprowlerMy guess is that he didn't want to undergo the scrutiny...Which should make us all a little curious about what he might have to hide....

Stay tuned...The Dems will be on this like stink on **it.

ed monahanI think he thinks the same thing as Boehner, "it is a no-win situation" if you don't have the backing of the Tea-Party wing and he probably didn't have much if any support from them. Therefore a really tough situation.

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