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Topic:Removal of center console Cup Holder
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
greatkatI'm planning to remove the center console Cup Holder for chroming.

Before doing so, I was wondering how the factory installed it (e.g. glued or pressure fit), and the best method of removal to ensure future reinstallation.

Has anyone ever successfully done this before?

Gort http://www.prowleronline.com/prowler_parts/99PR.pdf

08a group

This message has been edited by Gort on 01-14-2015 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by greatkat:
I'm planning to remove the center console Cup Holder for chroming.

Before doing so, I was wondering how the factory installed it (e.g. glued or pressure fit), and the best method of removal to ensure future reinstallation.

Has anyone ever successfully done this before?

I will start off with saying I LOVE CHROME

that said, do you think you would use it?

What type chrome would you gave done?

Once it gets scratched up would you paint it?

I really think it would not add to the look of the car, but it is your car. If it is vacumm chrome plated it will scratch easily, cell phone, sun glasses or soft drink can will damage it.

Triple chrome plated will look nice but they might not be able to do it and get it to look good.

A stainless ring around the top it might look ok or polished aluminum.

Sometime less is better

BillyCYou can remove the cup holder by twisting and pulling out.
I wanted chrome too, but I replaced it with a chrome rimmed cup holder with
LED lights to match my paint.

skb4076Love the LED cup holder. Did you buy the cup holder already put together, or did you add the LED lights to the cup holder??
prowlerartist1do you have anymore pics of that interior? from what I can see it looks very custom.
Originally posted by skb4076:
Love the LED cup holder. Did you buy the cup holder already put together, or did you add the LED lights to the cup holder??

I bought the LED cupholder as is, but if you google LED cupholder (images) all kinds come up. They even make them that have light coming uo from bottom.
And rings of LED's you can install too

Originally posted by prowlerartist1:
do you have anymore pics of that interior? from what I can see it looks very custom.

Yes, custom. Photos don't do justice. All redone with suede & leather with lime green stitching.

JUSTAKIDlove the lighted cup holder
greatkatNow I'm really glad I asked the question.
Based on everyone's input, I'm convinced that it would be more effective (and less troublesome) to purchase a chrome ring rather than chrome the whole cup holder.
Once more the POA membership has come through.
Thanks. Much appreciated.
prowlerartist1nicely done, I like that suede. Ive been wanting to do something like that myself as I have never been a big fan of the prowlers stock interior materials.
greatkatBased on the advice received, I have decided to get a chrome bezel for the console Cup Holder.
I've found one online which not only encompasses the rim but also extends slightly into the cup.
The only requirement is that the inside diameter of the cup be at least 3 inches.
Since my car is away in storage, I was wondering if anyone can help me identify the inside diameter of the Prowler's console cup holder.
Thanks for your help.
BillyCMy old cup holder is 3.25 inches.
Originally posted by greatkat:
Based on the advice received, I have decided to get a chrome bezel for the console Cup Holder.
I've found one online which not only encompasses the rim but also extends slightly into the cup.
The only requirement is that the inside diameter of the cup be at least 3 inches.
Since my car is away in storage, I was wondering if anyone can help me identify the inside diameter of the Prowler's console cup holder.
Thanks for your help.

Would you happen to have the website?

greatkatSorry DrillinU. With further investigation, I've discovered the bezel will not fit the Prowler cup holder.

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