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Topic:Remeber when the Prowler was still a dream???
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Kevin AA friend of mine was spring cleaning and gave me this Motor Trend from Feb. 2006. I guess they figured it would be released as a '98 model. The article inside was also used as a reprint that was distirbuted via dealers (?). There is a three page centerfold of the production Prowler with the ribbed prototype wheels. Very cool.

ETMIDZTWish I had a "98"....
Dale BeamanI don't remember the year but I was at the North American International Auto Show when it was first shown to the public. So many people going crazy looking at it you couldn't even get close! I started dreaming that very day but it took until Oct 2002 before I could afford a used one.
Randy CobbChrysler was the title sponsor for the PGA event here for several years. They had one set up on display at the 1997 tounament held in April. It was purple. I drooled!

Wanted one until I got mine in June of 2002.

CJHere is a link to a scrapbook I put up several years ago. They are photos of the concept Prowler at the Detroit Autorama in 1997 before it went into production.

Concept Prowler

This cover was from the January 18, 1993 issue of AutoWeek and the second picture was from the June 14, 1993.

Originally posted by Kevin A:
A friend of mine was spring cleaning and gave me this Motor Trend from Feb. 2006.


toysI wish they would have stayed with the Bumpers they had on the concept cars. JMO


ALLEY CATI wish they would have stayed with the original headlight design,,,,,,flat, and within the lines.
Ed W.Let's face it.........when we first laid eyes on the pictures of it (over ten years ago), We all wished it would be built.
Most of us would have bet the family farm it would NOT be built, much less be affordable

It was, & it was.
We lived to see it happen.
We are blessed to have driven one.
Double blessed to have owned one........new or used.

...not much else matters.


TooHipCat It's still a dream to me every time I'm behind the wheel!

I picked up this copy of Car and Driver at the World of Wheels in Boston,MA last weekend for only $5.00.

This message has been edited by TooHipCat on 01-16-2007 at 12:07 AM

PhatBoiI wonder why no one has come out with a head light Mod that looks more stealth like the original concept.

Of you know of any such mods, please let me know.

fixummI like our bumpers but i like thoes headlights
Dave MillsI can't believe that it is almost 12 years since I saw that first concept car. I wanted one then and I still want the one I have now.

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