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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CapitalCatWell friends, particularly East Coast Posse friends, I've moved from the Nation's Capital to New York City due to the job. There's no way I could drive or park the kat in the City, but I just can't part with it. Fortunately, my folks in New Jersey (God bless 'em) are going to let me leave the kat at their place. So every now and again, I'll be taking the train over to NJ to catch a kat fix. The separation pains are terrible, but it beats not having a kat at all. 'Hope to catch up with the Posse, (maybe the Annual Skyline Drive), and hope to be posting again soon. (I'll also have to change my name!)
Top KatSorry to hear you are heading NORTH. You can still take a long weekend and visit us. Glad you are keeping the Kat. That is the most important thing. I wouldn't worry tooo much about changing your name, that is unless you want to. Who Knows---- they just may move you back some day!!!
Continue to post.

2001 Mulholland Edition
1999 Maroon S-10 shortbed
1994 Silverado Dually (lowered/ custom)
1987 Orange GMC shortbed
30' Scarab w/ twin 500's

It was a pleasure to meet you at the Inaugural Prowler / PT Cruiser Charity Car Show back in June. When do you start the new job & when is the move? Where are you going to be living & where are your parents Kat-watching? DC's loss will be our gain.

We will be sure to inform you about any cruises we might have coming up. Working on getting a group to go to Lancaster for the Car Show PJ posted about for next weekend. There will also be a group of us going down for the Skyline Cruise in two weeks. Let us know if you want to join us.

Best of Luck with the new job & let me know if I can do anything to help out.


CTProwlerCapitalCat---I live a little over an hour from NYC, in western CT. Tom Santella (Black)lives in the same Town (Newtown CT). Dave Ferraro (Blue)lives in Westchester county NY, about 35 minutes from you. Chris Lee (Orange)lives in Milford CT about 45 minutes from you. I've met all three, all great Guys. I've driven to Niagara falls event with Tom, Hooters with Chris, And met dave at a UConn Football game. We haven't got together yet as a group. Keep in touch, we'll have to get together. It will be hard to replace Mean Genes Group, Posse (Impossible)!!!LOL Glad you didn't sell your Kat. You'll enjoy it come summer, Jersey shore area is great Fun on weekends.


This message has been edited by CTProwler on 09-20-2003 at 08:25 AM

Black Tie 161Good luck on your new job and the move....don't be a stranger! Maybe you'll sleep better at night with your car out of that public garage....LOL.
MeanGeneBummer! John, I understand some of the issues with you keeping the Kat here. Best of luck, and don't be a stranger -or- stranger than you are

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