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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Recommendations for TV audio?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MIKE GATLINAnyone have a recommendation for an add on speaker system for flat screen tv? Probably something simple like sound bar and sub woofer. Between flat screen audio being weak and too many years of rock and roll, something to improve the sound would be helpful.
BeWareMy son in law installed this system by Bose. Sounds good.
enzvoyhere you go Mike http://www.crutchfield.com/g_316150/Sound-Bar-Speaker-Solutions.html?tp=47366

This message has been edited by enzvoy on 08-26-2011 at 01:10 PM

ed monahanWe bought something called TV EARS. The price has dropped dramatically from what I paid several years ago.
We can also use them at plays, concerts at the local theater. You can turn the T V way down and still hear through the earphones. They work great and are less than $ 100, I think.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
We bought something called TV EARS. The price has dropped dramatically from what I paid several years ago.
We can also use them at plays, concerts at the local theater. You can turn the T V way down and still hear through the earphones. They work great and are less than $ 100, I think.

Did it come with a rocking chair?

HowardGreat speakers from Logitech and they are on sale at Dell.

padrooTv Ears at Costco's $60 range.
WildCatever thought of miricle ear?

a surround sound system with speakers behind you as well as in front are very helpful. Think you could find an old DJ that knows something about sound systems?

My new 50" tv has good sound but needs the surround sound hooked up to it. Since we are moving never got ound to hooking it up to the new TV.

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