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Topic:Rear Wheels Chromed Properly
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ZIPPERI am looking for a set of rear wheels chromed perfect. I would like to exchange my rears for the new ones. My rears are perfect but need to be chromed. If the price is fair I am ready.
onecatnodogHave your original Silver ones done and they would be better than factory...

This message has been edited by onecatnodog on 10-19-2007 at 08:02 PM

WildCatI take it you have an early yellow 99 with painted wheels

If so have all 4 done at the same place so they will have the same look. I had mine done in 99 and they still look better than any factory wheel, not bragging, JUST THE FACTS.

Make sure you request the barrels be polished to the same finish as the face. I can read the part number for the lower ball joint like in a mirror in my front wheels.


I traded a set of factory chrome wheels for a set of silver so I could get a second set done for in the future.

Larry & Sue Mayes

scuba steveAnyone know how much it costs to get all 4 rims rechromed?
Originally posted by scuba steve:
Anyone know how much it costs to get all 4 rims rechromed?

mine were done in 98 If this is recommended by others I would check there 1st to get pricing. I'm sure it would be more than I paid 9 years ago


If you want show quality make sure you tell them that and that you want the barrels polished before plating

catfishi'm guessing 1000 or more.if youre trying to rechrome already chromed wheels forget it.


ZIPPERRechromong runs around $600 with barrels polished. I am getting a set done for 300 exchange. Catfish I have no idea where you get your info bro. Rechroming chromed parts has never been a problem. I have built some of the top custom Harleys in the country and never had a problem with rechroming. This is done all the time on wheels also. Your prices you quoted are absurd. The new rear wheels I am getting are perfect. Thanks to everypne for your help.

Best in Health

99prowler99Zipper, where are you having it done? I am interested in doing mine also. Im in Orange County so not too far from you. Let us know how it works out for you.
catfishwere not talking harleys here bro.the fact that you have wheels chromed all the time doesn't mean squat.take your chromer a chrome prowler wheel w pits on the inner barrel.he will tell you he cant get rid of the pits unless he machines out the pits,depending on how bad they are.the shape of the inner barrel where it meets the center of the wheel is near impossible to machine.i should have been more specific most people with prowler chrome wheels with pitts want them rechromed to get rid of the pitts.if you have chrome wheels w/o pitts then they can be rechromed.price what i quoted is for 4 wheels not 2 and there is no exchange needed,600.00 plus 2 wheels who's absurd now.


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